Ovation Fertility Destroyed Embryos Lawsuit

Several individuals are suing a fertility clinic for an apparent lab error that destroyed their embryos. After a clinic in Newport Beach allegedly incorrectly used hydrogen peroxide rather than a sterile solution in an incubator containing the embryos, our firm is investigating Ovation Fertility destroyed embryos claims and looking to seek justice for couples who may have lost valuable opportunities to become parents. 

What Happened at Ovation Fertility IVF Labs?

The lethal levels of hydrogen peroxide exposed to the embryos due to an incubator malfunction at Ovation Fertility resulted in several failed embryo transfers for a number of couples. The embryos were allegedly implanted into the bodies of hopeful mothers despite the error, leading to profound emotional effects.

Attorney Adam Wolf told KABC/ABC-7 Los Angeles of the alleged error, “That hydrogen peroxide killed all of the embryos that were placed in the incubator during that period of time. These dead embryos were then transferred to Ovation’s customers.”

The clinic also allegedly tried to cover up their negligence by contacting those affected and offering refunds. These destroyed embryo lawsuits may help reveal the truth of exactly what happened at the lab that led to so much heartbreak for the couples affected. 

One of the individuals suing Ovation Fertility told KABC/ABC-7 Los Angeles of the ordeal, “Knowing that there was no possibility, that they put me through that, is kind of horrifying.” She is one of many clients now suing the clinic where the alleged error occurred. 

“Unintended Laboratory Technician Error” at Ovation Fertility

In a statement, Ovation Fertility said, “This was an isolated incident related to an unintended laboratory technician error that impacted a very small number of patients. As soon as we recognized that pregnancy numbers were lower than our usually high success rates, we immediately initiated an investigation.”

“We did not knowingly transfer nonviable embryos for implantation,” the clinic claimed. “We have been in close contact with these few impacted patients since the issue was discovered. We are grateful for the opportunity to help patients build a family and will continue to implement and enforce rigorous protocols to safeguard that process.”

These lawsuits highlight significant concerns about the protocols and safeguards in place at fertility clinics. If you or a loved one suffered after Ovation Fertility destroyed your embryos due to human or technical error, or if you’ve dealt with a similar experience at a different fertility clinic, Phillips Law Group may be able to help you pursue legal action. 

Phillips Law Group Can Seek Justice for You

The current Ovation Fertility lawsuits allege that the facility committed medical battery, intentional misrepresentation, and fraudulent concealment. If your embryo was destroyed due to the same error at the clinic, or if you’ve suffered due to similar actions of fertility clinic misconduct elsewhere, our firm may be able to help you receive compensation for your pain and suffering.

At Phillips Law Group, our compassionate attorneys are experienced, sympathetic, and discreet. But they are also determined to advocate aggressively on your behalf to help you seek justice. If this issue has impacted you, our team wants to help. 

Stringent standards to ensure the safety and preservation of stored reproductive materials are paramount at fertility clinics. Our firm wants to ensure that future couples entrusting clinics with their reproductive hopes can be sure strong safety measures are in place to protect their embryos. And if they aren’t, we want to assist to make sure justice is served.

Please call Phillips Law Group today for a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation to learn more.