Criminal activity can impact anyone. And when criminal activity causes serious injury or death, the only people typically found liable are those who committed the crime.
However, when individuals are in public or private places like shopping centers, hotels, or apartment complexes, they trust those who own the property to have proper security measures in place to help ensure their safety. When that trust is violated because of inadequate or insufficient security, a property owner or company may be liable for any injuries.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a crime caused by negligent security, it is in your best interest to contact an attorney for legal representation. At Phillips Law Group, our qualified Phoenix negligent security lawyers can help you seek damages by guiding you through the entire claims process.
Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with us today to review your case and inform you of your legal options. Our main office in Phoenix is located near Phoenix College and St. Joseph’s Hospital.
At Phillips Law Group we work on contingency, which means there are no upfront costs for our services unless we help you recover fair compensation for your case.
Contact us today at the number or form on this page to learn more about your legal options.