Phoenix, AZ Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

A catastrophic injury can change the entire course of a person’s life, often leaving them permanently disabled and, in the worst cases, in need of 24-hour care. It can be difficult for victims and their families to see a way forward after this type of devastating incident.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, it is important to understand your rights. If someone else caused the injury through their negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

While compensation cannot change what happened to you or your loved one, it can provide the financial assistance you need to effectively manage your injuries and help you live as well as possible with your disability.

Learn the risks of driving in Arizona, including statistics about economic losses and the main causes of these crashes. For just a few highlights, did you know that crashes that occurred during daylight hours (6:00 am to 6:00 pm) accounted for 69.8 percent of all crashes in Arizona in 2021? And sadly, children aged 14 and younger accounted for 32 fatalities and 2,861 injuries in motor vehicle crashes last year in the state.

The Phoenix, AZ catastrophic injury lawyers at Phillips Law Group have won fair compensation for many victims of catastrophic injuries. We offer a 100 percent free consultation and we do not charge you anything unless you receive compensation.

Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Every year, thousands of people across the country suffer catastrophic injuries. For example, the Arizona Department of Health Services reported that the number of traumatic injuries treated in hospitals in 2021 rose by 12 percent to 65,296, according to 12NEWS KPNX. Sadly, 1,716 victims lost their lives.

If you or a loved one recently suffered a life-changing injury, you need the help of a trusted attorney. At Phillips Law Group, we have helped many clients across the country who have suffered catastrophic injuries receive fair compensation. Our qualified and experienced personal injury attorneys fight every day to secure compensation for the victims of other people’s negligence. 

We do everything possible to make sure our clients receive the compensation they deserve. 

We want to hear about your experience and see how we can help you. Schedule a free, personalized case evaluation by calling Phillips Law Group today.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

An injury usually qualifies as catastrophic when it changes your life forever. For example, you may permanently lose the use of a limb, suffer paralysis, lose your eyesight or hearing, or suffer ongoing pain. Occasionally, the term also applies to injuries that are short-term in nature but cause extreme suffering. 

In most cases, catastrophic injuries lead to long-term disability, disfigurement, or pain. Some people who have suffered catastrophic injuries require daily or even 24-hour care. In some cases, people lose their lives due to these injuries.

A catastrophic injury lawyer understands how to calculate both the financial and non-economic impact of your accident. He or she can put a dollar amount on intangibles such as pain and suffering and not being able to interact with your family as you did before.

Our law firm can access medical assessments of your injuries to understand the long-term impact of your condition. Our aim is to help you secure a settlement commensurate with the level of injury you have sustained.

If your loved one has passed away due to a catastrophic injury caused by another party, we can help you explore the legal remedies open to you. This may include pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit

Causes of catastrophic injuries

People can sustain catastrophic injuries in many different ways, including:

It is the severity of the condition and the impact it has on your life, rather than the type of injury, that classifies it as catastrophic. How it was inflicted is also less important.

Types of catastrophic injuries

The most common types of catastrophic injuries affect the brain and spinal cord:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI): TBIs can cause memory issues, muscle weakness, vision and speech problems, and processing difficulties. These conditions may be temporary, but the effects are permanent in some cases.
  • Spinal cord injury: Spinal cord damage can cause partial or complete paralysis. You may lose sensation and control of your limbs. It can also cause problems with bladder and bowel control, breathing, and sexual function.
  • Loss of eyesight or hearing: Either condition will have a devastating impact on your life. You may need to make significant adaptations to your work, home, and family life.

This is just a snapshot of a few common types of catastrophic injuries. Whatever the nature of your injury, don’t hold back from seeking legal advice. The attorneys at Phillips Law Group can advise you whether your injuries are catastrophic or non-catastrophic.

The first step is to meet with a Phoenix attorney to discuss your catastrophic injury case. Call Phillips Law Group to schedule a free case evaluation.

Why You Need an Attorney

Have you suffered a serious accident and found that you are not getting the help you need from your insurance company? You need a catastrophic injury lawyer to fight for your rights. 

To prove you were not at fault

During your case evaluation, your attorney will look for evidence of negligence. This is crucial to any personal injury case. Your injuries must have been directly caused by the negligence or malicious intent of another party.

Without the support of a qualified lawyer, it may be challenging to prove that the other party was negligent. To satisfy the requirements of the law, you must show the following:

  • The negligent party owed you a duty of care
  • The other party’s actions or negligence constituted a breach of that duty
  • The at-fault party’s actions caused your injury
  • The negligent party’s actions caused you loss or suffering

Some areas of the law are particularly complex. For example, proving negligence in medical malpractice cases requires a high level of legal and medical expertise. In such a case, you need an experienced attorney who will work with medical experts to build your case.

Insurance companies may try to confuse legal accountability for the accident. They could even try to pin the blame on you! However, qualified catastrophic injury attorneys have seen it all before, and they know how to hold those responsible accountable.

There is no need to go it alone. When we take on your case, an experienced attorney alongside the entire legal team at Phillips Law Group will work on many fronts to find the evidence to build a strong case on your behalf.

To fight for a fair settlement

We expect insurance companies to be there to provide us with the compensation we need. Sadly, all too often, people experience delays and lowball offers. Remember, their aim is to pay you as little as possible. 

Before accepting a settlement, talk to an Arizona catastrophic injury attorney from our firm. Our attorneys can make sure you’re getting a fair settlement. If you are not, we will fight to try to secure the best possible outcome for you.

To calculate and negotiate your compensation

The more severe your injuries are, the more compensation you may be entitled to receive. Your lawyer will examine:

  • The extent of your injuries
  • The long-term prognosis 
  • The extent of your current medical bills
  • The amount you are likely to pay for medical care throughout the rest of your life
  • The cost of other needs, such as caretakers and medical equipment

Catastrophic injury lawyers will undertake research to arrive at a fair settlement figure. They may request medical examinations and evaluations or obtain the testimony of expert witnesses. Your attorney will also calculate a figure to compensate you for your pain and suffering.

They will fight to help you to achieve compensation through negotiations with the at-fault party’s attorneys or insurance company. If they cannot achieve a fair settlement through negotiations, they can represent you in court.

Catastrophic Injury Compensation

A catastrophic injury lawyer in Phoenix, AZ will tenaciously pursue compensation for:

  • Medical expenses – past, present, and future
  • Loss of earnings and loss of future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering

Depending on the nature and extent of the injuries, your catastrophic injury lawyer may also pursue damages for loss of consortium. This refers to the loss of the ability to provide the care and companionship to your spouse or family that you did before the accident.

Phillips Law Group – Your Trusted Attorneys

At Phillips Law Group, we understand what you’re going through. Over the last 26 years, we have helped many people like yourself who have suffered catastrophic injuries through other people’s negligence. 

If we take on your case, you can be assured that we will put in the time, effort, and energy to see it through to the end. We will spar with insurance companies to help you to secure fair compensation. 

You can focus on your recovery while we focus on pursuing your compensation.

How To Find A Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Near Me?

A catastrophic injury can impact every aspect of your life. You may have to make significant changes to your work and family life to adapt to your new reality. If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury caused by another party’s negligence, you need a qualified lawyer on your side. He or she can assist you in pursuing the compensation you need to live the best life possible.

Catastrophic injuries can happen in a flash. Problems such as drunk driving and excessive speeding are making roads in Arizona and other parts of the country even more deadly. Figures from the NHTSA show that traffic deaths have risen yearly since 2019, according to Cronkite News/Arizona PBS.

Have catastrophic injuries suffered in a car crash, workplace accident, or another scenario taken the life of a loved one? You may be able to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. If an accident has left you with catastrophic injuries, be assured that there are legal remedies that can help you cope.

We have put together some pointers to help you find a catastrophic injury lawyer near you. Following these tips will enable you to find a compassionate, experienced, and tenacious lawyer who practices locally and can guide you through the unfamiliar legal territory as you pursue your compensation claim.

At Phillips Law Group, your journey starts with a free case evaluation. 

Look at Reviews and Referrals

Our friends and family are often the first people we turn to for referrals of any kind. Of course, we hope that none of them have suffered a catastrophic injury. If they ever have, though, they may be able to recommend a local law firm that you can add to your list.

Reviews on independent review sites can also be a helpful source of information, giving you an insight into the satisfaction levels of former clients. Also, consider how the law firm responds to negative reviews. If they follow up courteously and extend an opportunity to discuss the matter further, this demonstrates how they care about their clients.

The Better Business Bureau is another valuable resource. It rates businesses based on several criteria, including their time in business, complaint history, and transparent business practices. The most highly-rated firms achieve an A+ rating. 

Consider Catastrophic Injury Case Experience

Catastrophic injury cases are usually more complex than non-catastrophic injury lawsuits. The effects of a catastrophic injury can last a lifetime and your Phoenix, AZ attorney will thoroughly review all documentation related to your case to calculate a fair settlement.

The right lawyer will consider your economic damages

He or she will examine your:

  • Medical debt already accrued
  • Future medical expenses
  • Necessary home adaptations
  • Medical equipment and prescription drugs
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential and/or business opportunities

The right lawyer will also consider your non-economic damages

Catastrophic injury attorneys will also calculate the non-economic impact of your injuries, such as:

  • Pain
  • Emotional distress
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of consortium

Loss of consortium includes the reduction of support you can give your spouse or children. It takes into account that you may now be limited in the services you can provide for your family, such as cooking, cleaning, and driving. It also includes the loss of intimacy that may have resulted from your accident.

Experienced catastrophic injury lawyers understand what you are going through and can even see the repercussions further into your future. Therefore, they will take all of the current and long-term factors into account when calculating and pursuing a fair settlement for your suffering.

Interview the Attorney

Most catastrophic injury lawyers in the Phoenix area offer a free case evaluation or review. This is a great opportunity for you to either speak to multiple attorneys on the phone or in person. You can talk to them about your experience and show them any evidence you already have.

From the lawyer’s perspective, the purpose of the case review is to decide your claim or lawsuit’s merit. The attorney may weigh the chances of success to determine whether or not to take on your case. He or she may also discuss the strategy to be used to prove negligence.

From your point of view, this is a great opportunity to see how comfortable you feel with the lawyer. If you will be working with him or her over the weeks and months ahead, you should feel comfortable and have a strong rapport with your attorney.

Enjoy a Professional Environment

Catastrophic injury cases require attention on multiple fronts to secure the settlement you require to move forward with your life. The law firm should have a professional office that exudes calm and organization. 

Your attorneys should be punctual and prioritize communication. During your case review, they should outline how they will keep you updated throughout the process.

Seek a Successful Track Record

You need to feel sure that you have a committed lawyer on your side who will tenaciously pursue fair compensation for your injuries. The law firm should have a great track record in achieving success for its clients. Ask the legal team about their success rate when you have your case review.

The attorney should be able to give you examples of similar cases won in the past and the level of compensation secured for the client. Check out his or her law firm’s website for examples of verdicts and settlements that were secured for past clients.

Examine the Fee Arrangement

Most catastrophic injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that they will not charge you a cent if they are unsuccessful. If they are successful, though, you will usually pay a percentage of your compensation to the law firm as payment for their services.

Lawyers should be upfront and transparent about these costs. Some important questions to ask include:

  • What percentage will you charge if you are successful?
  • Are there any other fees to be deducted?
  • Are the lawyer’s expenses included, or will they be deducted separately?

Ask for this information in writing before you allow a law firm to take on your case. The most trustworthy law firms will be transparent about their charges from day one.

Compare Options

Choosing a Phoenix, AZ catastrophic injury attorney is an important decision. Your condition may remain with you for the rest of your life. Therefore, you need to choose a lawyer who will handle your case with the care and attention it deserves. 

That’s why it makes sense to interview multiple lawyers – we recommend considering at least three law firms. Compare them based on their experience, professionalism, success rate, and payment arrangements.

When meeting with lawyers, ask them about the challenges they anticipate with your case and how they plan to overcome them. This can give you a sense of how well they understand your case and how determined they are to fight to pursue the best outcome for you.

Choose the Right Phoenix, AZ Catastrophic Injury Attorney

When you’re recovering from a catastrophic injury, you need to focus on your recovery. A Phoenix, AZ catastrophic injury lawyer can mean the difference between struggling to get compensation and succeeding in obtaining the damages you need.

At Phillips Law Group, our attorneys are experienced in handling complex catastrophic injury lawsuits. When we take on your case, we will analyze it closely to make sure that all damages are considered – not just the financial ones. From there, we’ll pursue total compensation to help you get your life back on track.

We want to hear your story. Reach Phillips Law Group at (602) 222-2222 or by filling out our online form to speak to one of our attorneys.