Young people in prep school or college are learning how to be independent and make their own decisions. Unfortunately, they do not always make the best choices, which sometimes leads to an arrest and criminal charges.
When you or your child gets into legal trouble while attending college or prep school in the Phoenix area, contact Phillips Law Group. We have been successfully defending young people in this community for years.
Our Phoenix, AZ, student defense lawyers can aggressively represent students in the criminal justice system, seeking resolutions that do not impact their future opportunities whenever possible. We can also assist with any disciplinary proceedings the school initiates.
Common Charges Students Face
Some criminal charges are common among students living on their own for the first time. Drunk and disorderly conduct, drunk driving, possession of small amounts of controlled substances, and misdemeanor theft charges are not unusual. A student involved in the fraternity or sorority system could face criminal charges for violating Arizona Revised Statutes §13-1215, the anti-hazing law.
Students might face sexual misconduct charges ranging from a misdemeanor public indecency charge to allegations regarding forced sexual contact. Most sex crimes are felonies under Arizona law, and a conviction leads to imprisonment and registration as a sex offender.
Other serious crimes include drug possession with intent to distribute, aggravated assault, weapons violations, vehicular manslaughter, and homicide. The ultimate disposition of the case depends on the quality of the prosecutor’s evidence, but our attorneys never forget a child’s future is at stake and make every effort to achieve a favorable outcome. It is critical to work with a skilled and experienced Phoenix, AZ student defense attorney when a young person faces charges.
Resolving Charges to Preserve a Student’s Opportunities
Many students charged with crimes are first-time offenders. In many cases, prosecutors will drop criminal charges in exchange for restitution, community service, a fine, counseling, probation, or some combination of these. These resolutions allow the student to take accountability for their actions but do not result in a criminal record.
When a student is suffering from drug addiction or mental health challenges, there may be opportunities to resolve a criminal matter through supervised treatment rather than incarceration. Student defense attorneys at Phillips Law Group are familiar with the programs in the local Phoenix, AZ area and can negotiate with prosecutors to achieve a treatment-based resolution.
These options may not be available in every case, especially if the student’s alleged actions caused injuries or substantial property damage. We will aggressively defend a student at trial with every resource at our disposal when necessary.
Managing the School Disciplinary Process
When the action that caused the arrest occurred on campus or at a school-sponsored event, the school often initiates disciplinary proceedings separate from any criminal proceedings. When another enrolled student claims the student’s actions harmed them, they can make a complaint to the school regardless of where the incident occurred.
Students convicted of violating the school’s Code of Conduct or Honor Code face a range of consequences, including academic probation, suspension, eviction from campus housing, barricade from campus, and expulsion. A serious violation can interrupt the student’s education and impact their opportunities for certain academic programs and graduate school admission.
Schools have substantial authority to design and implement disciplinary practices. For example, they do not have to offer the student the right to have a lawyer present at an interview or hearing. A Phoenix, AZ attorney at Phillips Law Group will provide invaluable assistance in preparing the student for disciplinary proceedings, drafting statements and arguments, and formulating appeals, when necessary.
Reach Out to a Phoenix, AZ Student Defense Attorney
The stakes are very high when a student faces criminal charges. Protecting future opportunities is paramount when a young person encounters the criminal justice system.
Reach out to Phillips Law Group for help. Our Phoenix, AZ student defense lawyers can provide aggressive defense in the courts and with the institution. Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation consultation.