Wright Profemur Hip Implant Lawsuits

The Wright Profemur Hip Implant system has been the subject of numerous lawsuits due to reports of premature failure, fractures, and other complications. Indeed, in December 2023, CBS News reported on one individual who recalled how his artificial hip implant “suddenly and catastrophically structurally failed” in the middle of his workday as a physical education teacher in Arizona. 

There is growing evidence that Profemur hips may suddenly and without warning break a few within just a few years of an implant being placed. If you or a loved one has been affected by a defective Wright Profemur hip implant, you may be entitled to compensation.

Wright Profemur Hip Implant Problems

According to CBS News, “Over the past two decades, more than 750 Profemur hips… have fractured at the neck, an attorney for the manufacturer has said in court. In interviews, patients said they were left unable to walk and in need of emergency surgery.”

In general, the FDA has received hundreds of reports of modular neck fractures present in Wright Profemur hip implant systems. 

Complications from Wright Profemur system failures include bone fractures, dislocations, revision surgery, and even metallosis – a serious medical condition. 

“Reports submitted to the FDA describe Profemur patients stranded in the midst of routine life, while hiking, golfing, bowling, mowing the lawn, lifting a potted plant, getting out of a chair, putting on pants, and leaning over to pick up a key,” CBS News noted.

Many patients who received this implant have experienced severe pain, loss of mobility, and the need for revision surgery. If this includes you or a loved one, you should consider getting in touch with an attorney to potentially pursue a Wright Profemur hip implant lawsuit. 

Profemur Implant Lawsuits

In one major lawsuit, a jury determined that Wright Medical was negligent in designing the implant and awarded the affected recipient millions of dollars. 

In other cases, plaintiffs claim that the implant’s defective design has led to serious health complications, including bone fractures and dislocations. Wright Profemur hip implant lawsuits usually seek damages for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more.

Phillips Law Group may be able to assist you with this complicated medical device litigation. We are committed to helping victims of defective hip implants receive the justice and compensation they deserve, and have more than 30 years of experience helping people with personal injury cases.

If you believe your Profemur hip implant has failed, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our legal team will review your case and help you explore your options for holding the manufacturer accountable. Call 602-222-2222 now to learn more.