AngioDynamics Inc. and Navilyst Medical Inc. Port Catheter Lawsuits

Our lawyers are investigating fracture, migration, and infection lawsuits for individuals who received some types of AngioDynamics Inc. or Navilyst Medical port catheters. If you or a loved one has suffered complications after receiving an AngioDynamics Inc. or Navilyst Medical catheter, you may be entitled to compensation. 

AngioDynamics Catheter Complications

Lawsuits against AngioDynamics in recent years have alleged that their catheters used in Smart Port implantable venous access devices had problems with fissuring, cracking, fracturing, and infections, and more as a result of manufacturing defects. Such complications can lead to life-threatening conditions requiring additional surgeries or other medical interventions.

Navilyst Medical, Inc. is also a manufacturer of vascular medical equipment such as catheters, ports, and embolization devices, and is a subsidiary/division of AngioDynamics.

Port catheters manufactured by AngioDynamics and Navilyst Medical, Inc. have faced recalls in the past. For instance, in February 2021, a United States Food and Drug Administration recall notice revealed, “On 2/22/2021, AngioDynamics issued an Urgent Medical Device Recall notice via letter informing customers the package integrity of specific Valved Introducers may be susceptible to failure, resulting in the potential for compromised sterility of the device.”

AngioDynamics and Navilyst catheters have been under scrutiny due to numerous reports of malfunctions, causing patients undue pain and suffering. If you or a loved one has been impacted by this, you may need to consider pursuing an AngioDynamics Inc. or Navilyst Medical catheter lawsuit. 

Filing a Claim With Phillips Law Group

Phillips Law Group is dedicated to holding manufacturers accountable for releasing defective medical devices. That includes the manufacturers of catheter medical devices that are prone to fractures, infections, and migration of the device inside the body.

Catheter migration can lead to complications such as catheter fracture, catheter infections, blood clots (thrombosis), pain, dysfunction, and more. Blood clots in particular can result in life-threatening health issues such as pulmonary embolism or – if a clot travels to the brain – even a stroke. 

That’s why you should consider working with a personal injury lawyer like the ones at Phillips Law Group if you’ve been injured by a port catheter or have a loved one that was harmed after the use of one of these devices. 

Our team can help assess the damages from a defective or dangerous medical device such as a fractured catheter and determine the impact these defective devices have had on your health. Perhaps most importantly, we understand the emotional and physical toll that medical device failures can have, and we want to help you. 

Our legal team is here to guide you through the complex legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your AngioDynamics or Navilyst Medical port catheter lawsuit. 

Let us help you seek justice today, with the experience and wisdom of a legal team that’s served the Arizona community for more than 30 years on your side. Call 602-222-2222 to learn more now.