Millions of women in the United States and around the world have quietly been dealing with and enduring two common health problems that have taken their toll on their overall quality of life. These conditions are known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Estimates of the number of women in the United States in particular who suffer from these issues continue to grow, and that reality has prompted several companies to formulate medical products designed to help deal with the daily struggles that SUI and POP trigger.
One such product, in particular, is the Bard Avaulta Mesh product, and it’s much like many others that have been put to use in recent years. These products are surgically implanted into the female patient’s pelvic area, and they are meant to help provide support to the muscles in the region of the body that’s been negatively affected by several natural and common occurrences in the typical woman’s body, including vaginal childbirth.
Problems with Vaginal Mesh Products:
Unfortunately, manufacturers of several of these products have publicized reports of problems encountered with these vaginal mesh products, and as of this writing the number of patients who have been reported to have suffered greatly as a result of their use of these products is greater than 1,000 in number.
While no specific cause of these problems has yet been identified, the side effects have been defined to a degree, and they include:
- Erosion through vaginal epithelium
- Infection
- Pain
- Urinary problems
- Recurrence of prolapse and/or incontinence
- Bowel, bladder, and blood vessel perforation during insertion
Additionally, the corrective measures required to alleviate the suffering of these patients can also be quite severe and painful. These steps include additional surgery to correct internal bleeding and removal of the mesh product, IV treatments, blood transfusions, and drainage of abscesses and hematomas that have often been the result of using transvaginal mesh products.
Ultimately, the number and severity of these reports prompted the FDA to get involved, and the governmental regulatory agency has recently distributed a public health warning designed to alert the medical industry and the public at large that there is a risk present for women who use these products.
Transvaginal Mesh Injury Lawyers for Bard Avaulta Mesh
If you or someone you love has suffered because of the use of a transvaginal mesh product, including the Bard Avaulta Mesh, you need to take action.
Contact a defective medical products attorney as soon as possible in order to schedule a free initial consultation, as you may have legal rights that need to be enforced.