Loss of Limb from Car Accidents

When Arizona car accidents occur, people tend to get hurt. This has always been the case, as the majority of Arizona car accidents lead to at least one injury. Clearly, the severity of the injuries suffered by those harmed in these situations can vary widely, but one of the most severe and instantly life-changing types of injuries is the loss of a limb.

Below you’ll find information regarding how a limbs are typically lost in Arizona car accidents, the medical steps that could be necessary in the aftermath of such an occurrence, the potential costs that someone who has lost a limb in an Arizona car accident could face going forward and finally how you should proceed if you or someone you love has lost a limb in a car accident and you need the help of experienced Arizona personal injury lawyers.

How Limbs are Lost in Arizona Car Accidents

When vehicles collide with each other, the impact is usually extremely violent. This is a logical result when two large metal structures traveling at a high rate of speed collide. Therefore, those who are involved in an Arizona car accident can lose at least one limb in more than one scenario. One common cause of lost limbs involves flying glass that can penetrate deep into the nerves and arteries of an occupant. When this occurs, it could be necessary to amputate a limb after extreme steps have been taken to stop the blood flow that would otherwise be fatal.

Another common cause of lost limbs in Arizona car accidents involves the immediate and radical compression of the passenger compartments in vehicles when they are involved in collisions. This can force a person to endure the pain of metal crushing around their body, and this crushing can trap and all but destroy an arm or a leg. In this situation, amputating a limb is necessary because there is no possibility that the arm or the leg will ever be of use to that person again.

Necessary Medical Steps When a Limb is Lost

Clearly, there are several medical steps that are not only necessary, but critical in the aftermath of a severe Arizona car accident in which a limb needs to be removed as a result. The initial medical step that’s taken is the surgery to remove the limb. This can be a relatively simple procedure or extremely complicated depending on the specifics of the injury suffered.

Beyond the initial amputation procedure, though, someone who has lost a limb in an Arizona car accident will need additional medical care and oversight. For instance, most people who lose a limb will have a prosthetic limb built and provided for them so that they can regain some form of their normal routine.

However, regardless of whether someone is provided with a prosthetic limb, a person this injured person will need extensive and ongoing physical therapy so that he or she can learn how to handle even basic tasks either with the help of that new prosthetic limb or without any replacement limb. This can be a grueling, painful and expensive process.

Potential Costs to Someone Who Loses a Limb in an Arizona Car Accident

Obviously, steps such as surgery, hospital stays and ongoing physical therapy can be enormously expensive, even for someone who has health coverage. It’s not uncommon for these medical costs to exceed one million dollars, and few if any health insurance policies have traditionally covered this amount.

In addition to the immediate medical attention that’s necessary, the costs for a prosthetic limb and the physical therapy can also be exorbitant to most people. There are situations where health insurance coverage does not cover these products and services, and this can make the opportunity to even obtain a prosthetic limb too expensive.

Finally, someone who loses a limb as a result of an Arizona car accident could also face substantial adjustments to his or her working life. It’s entirely possible that this person will not be able to return to his or her position, or the injured person could face a long stint of rehabilitation before this return ever becomes a possibility. Finally, even if a person is able to return to work, he or she could face substantially reduced duties and a reduction in pay as a result.

How a Lawyer May Be Able To Help

If you or someone you love has lost a limb as a result of an Arizona car accident, you need to be sure to dedicate every ounce of your energy and focus to the recovery. Therefore, now is not the time to attempt to deal with insurance companies and defense attorneys, none of whom are working on your behalf. Instead, contact the experienced Arizona personal injury lawyers at Phillips Law Group today to schedule a free initial consultation, as the firm has been holding those responsible for this type of harm accountable for many years.