Prescott Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Prescott has significantly more seasonable temperatures year-round compared to many other parts of Arizona, and many people take advantage of the weather by riding a bicycle for exercise, pleasure, or simply as an alternative to driving. Unfortunately, not everyone who chooses to drive a motor vehicle in this area is as responsible around bicyclists as they should be — something which you may have learned the hard way recently.

You have a right to file suit against anyone who causes you to get hurt through their own reckless or careless misconduct, but effectively enforcing that right can be difficult without support from a skilled personal injury attorney. By retaining and working closely with a seasoned Prescott bicycle accident lawyer from Phillips Law Group, you can dramatically improve your chances of achieving a positive case result and getting paid what you deserve for your damages.

Who Could Be at Fault for a Bike Wreck in Prescott?

Statistically speaking, the person most commonly at fault for a bicycle accident in Arizona is a motor vehicle driver who broke a traffic law, did not pay attention to their surroundings, or otherwise acted irresponsibly behind the wheel and struck a bicyclist as a direct result. Sometimes, though, multiple different parties may hold a portion of civil liability for this sort of incident — for example, a manufacturer that produced faulty car or bike components, or a local government body that did not properly maintain bike paths in safe condition.

Conversely, a bicyclist injured in a wreck can sometimes be found partially at fault for their injuries based on their own “negligent” behavior, which could lead to a court assigning them a percentage of “comparative fault” and proportionately reducing their damage award based on their share of total fault. Guidance from a knowledgeable Prescott bicycle accident attorney can be key both to proving someone else was to blame for this sort of incident and to proving that the injured cyclist pursuing the claim was not to blame themselves.

Recovering for Losses After a Bike Accident

Once one or more people have been established as legally liable for injuries someone sustained in a bike crash, the injured cyclist can demand compensation from those liable parties for every form of harm they can trace directly back to their accident. This includes both “economic” damages with objective financial values and “non-economic” damages with subjective financial values, and more specifically may include things like:

  • Short-term and long-term medical bills
  • Short-term and long-term income loss
  • Personal property damage, including bicycle repair/replacement costs
  • Lost overall enjoyment of life
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Psychological and emotional distress

Once again, an experienced lawyer’s help is vital to identifying and effectively seeking restitution for all damages stemming from a bicycle accident in Prescott. Additionally, our team at Phillips Law Group is not afraid to advocate on behalf of our client’s best interests in court if settlement negotiations with insurance do not yield the desired outcome.

Talk to a Prescott Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

Being in a bicycle wreck can do a lot more than just put a damper on your day, especially if the person responsible for the collision was a negligent motor vehicle driver who hit you at high speeds and caused you serious physical harm. Fortunately, you have rights under Arizona civil law in situations like this, which could allow you to recover substantial compensation for the damages you have unfairly sustained.

You have assistance available from a capable Prescott bicycle accident lawyer from start to finish of the litigation process. Call today to speak with a member of our team and learn how Phillips Law Group can help make the most of your unique claim.

We have been serving the local area for over 30 years and feel confident we can provide you with the guidance you need. Please reach out today to schedule a free, no-obligation initial meeting! We look forward to working with you to obtain the justice you deserve.