Failure to Yield Car Accidents in Prescott

When drivers violate right of way rules, failure to yield car accidents in Prescott can result. Right of way mistakes can cause T-bone and side impact collisions, leading to severe injuries.

If you were hurt in a failure to yield crash that was not your fault, contact Phillips Law Group. Our auto collision attorneys provide skilled and compassionate legal representation for people injured in accidents.

Common Injuries in Failure to Yield Crashes

Most failure to yield accidents happen at intersections when a vehicle turns in front of oncoming traffic. Typically, one vehicle collides with the side of the other, impacting the weakest portion of the vehicle’s frame. Occupants of the hit vehicle risk significant injuries.

Our Prescott attorneys represent victims of failure to yield accidents, seeking fair compensation for their injuries. This type of accident often causes:

  • Whiplash and other soft tissue injuries
  • Complex fractures on the side of impact
  • Facial injuries and burns from deploying airbags
  • Crushing injuries to the torso
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries

These severe injuries are sometimes fatal, and survivors often suffer permanent disabilities.

Recovery from severe accident injuries can require months or even years. An injured person likely cannot work during their recovery and may never be able to resume their prior employment. A claim against the at-fault driver can provide compensation for lost wages and medical expenses, plus money to acknowledge the injured person’s pain and suffering.

An Injured Person Must Prove Negligence Caused the Crash

In Arizona, the driver at fault in an accident is responsible for the losses of anyone injured in the crash. However, the injured person claiming compensation must prove that the other driver was negligent.

A driver who caused a crash by violating another driver’s right of way might get a traffic ticket, proving the driver’s negligence. Even when police do not issue a citation, a Prescott attorney can still prove a driver was negligent in a failure to yield accident.

Evidence from vehicles’ onboard video systems, traffic cams, and surveillance cameras is often available. Photographs of the damage to the vehicles, witness statements, and police reports can also provide credible and persuasive evidence of negligence.

Compensation When Responsibility Is Shared

Some car accidents are clearly the fault of one driver, but in many cases, other parties may also be to blame. Sometimes, an injured person is partially responsible for the crash.

Arizona Revised Statutes §12-2505 is the state’s pure comparative negligence law. It says that when an injured person is partially responsible for the incident that caused their injuries, they can still collect compensation from other responsible parties. However, each party will be assigned a percentage of fault, and this amount will reduce the injured person’s compensation.

Insurance companies often use this law to reduce their payouts. They try to shift as much responsibility as possible onto the injured claimant. It is critical to work with a Prescott attorney with experience negotiating failure-to-yield car accident claims to defend against these tactics and ensure a fair settlement.

Get Compensation for Injuries Suffered in Failure to Yield Crashes With a Prescott Attorney

Recovering from serious injuries deserves all your time and attention. You should not waste either trying to negotiate a fair settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Allow a skilled attorney at Phillips Law Group to manage your claim after a failure to yield car accident in Prescott. Our team will handle negotiations, and if we do not receive a fair offer, we will take the matter to court. Get in touch today to schedule a free consultation.