Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Phoenix, AZ

Unlike motor vehicle occupants, who have seatbelts, airbags, and the frame of their vehicles protecting them, pedestrians usually have nothing at all preventing them from taking the full force generated by a speeding vehicle that collides with them. This means pedestrian crashes are particularly dangerous compared to virtually all other types of auto accidents.

While a pedestrian injury lawyer from Phillips Law Group can help you obtain fair compensation for injuries you sustained through this sort of incident, the best way to minimize the long-term impact of a pedestrian crash is to prevent the crash from happening. With that in mind, here are some common causes of pedestrian accidents in Phoenix, AZ, which you should be aware of while walking around “The Valley of the Sun.”

Lack of Visibility

Motor vehicle drivers cannot navigate around obstacles they cannot see, and while drivers are expected to keep a close eye out for pedestrians, not every person walking near an active roadway is as easy to see as they could be. When it comes to preventing pedestrian accidents in Phoenix, AZ, it can be very helpful for pedestrians to wear brightly colored clothing, only cross streets at marked crosswalks whenever possible, and be extra careful when walking at night or near obstacles that might impede the vision of an oncoming driver.

Not Checking Blind Spots While Turning

Even the most glaringly obvious pedestrian, though, cannot always avoid being hurt by a driver failing to check their blind spot while turning across a crosswalk. While pedestrians in crosswalks legally have the right of way over vehicular traffic, drivers are not always careful about checking whether someone is crossing the street next to them before turning right on red or turning left across multiple lanes of oncoming traffic.

Speeding and Other Traffic Violations

Along similar lines, motorists in Phoenix are at much higher risk of accidentally colliding with pedestrians when they fail to follow the rules of the road. Going over the speed limit is particularly dangerous, but so is turning without signaling, not obeying posted stop and yield signs, and ignoring red lights.

Driving While Drunk, High, or Distracted

Finally, it is an unfortunate statistical fact that plenty of Arizonans get behind the wheel while impaired by alcohol or drugs, even though it is illegal for them to do so. Additionally, distracted driving — mainly stemming from cell phone or smart phone use — has become another all-too-common and hazardous practice, not to mention one which can easily lead to a pedestrian suffering life-altering harm.

A Phoenix, AZ Attorney Can Help Sue Over Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

These are just some of the common causes of pedestrian accidents in Phoenix, AZ that our team at Phillips Law Group is familiar with. What all these causes have in common, though, is that they all qualify as legal “negligence” which you can potentially build a comprehensive civil claim around with a knowledgeable attorney’s assistance.

You have help available with whatever legal action you choose to pursue from lawyers who are not afraid to take your case all the way to trial in order to get you the most money possible for your damages. Call today to learn more about your options by speaking with a member of our team.