Sustaining an injury in an accident can be painful, stressful, inconvenient, and expensive. When your injuries are severe, an accident’s impact can be life-changing. You deserve appropriate compensation when another party’s carelessness or recklessness caused you to experience losses. A Salt Lake City personal injury lawyer can help prove your case and ensure the parties responsible for your accident are held accountable.
The seasoned attorneys at Phillips Law Group have a record of successfully representing injured people for over thirty years and have the knowledge and experience to help you.
Injuries can occur anywhere, at any time. A person, company, organization, or government agency might be financially liable for an injury when their conduct or failure to act contributed to the accident. When there is evidence that a party did not act with reasonable care to prevent harm to others, a person injured by that lack of care has a claim against the offending party based on negligence.
The attorneys at Phillips Law Group have expertise in a wide range of negligence claims. They represent people who sustained injuries due to:
This is a partial list of the most common types of cases the firm handles.
The proof needed to establish liability varies depending on the circumstances of the accident. A skilled legal professional can investigate the situation in Salt Lake City that led to an injury, identify all the potentially responsible parties, and assert claims against them based on the available evidence.
The compensation an injured person receives after an accident is referred to as damages. Damages reimburse all the losses the person experienced due to their injury. They include out-of-pocket expenses, diminished income, and future losses the person will experience due to a need for ongoing medical treatment or reduced future earning capacity.
Injured people are also entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering. These payments acknowledge the injured person’s inconvenience, humiliation, physical pain, emotional trauma, disability, disfigurement, and other non-economic impacts of the injury. The law places caps on non-economic damages in some cases. An attorney in Salt Lake City can explain whether a cap applies in a specific injury case.
Insurance companies for responsible parties always try to resolve a claim with the smallest payment possible, regardless of fault or fairness. Working with an experienced legal professional ensures that the responsible parties pay a fair amount to close a claim. When the insurance company does not make an adequate offer or negotiate in good faith, a skilled attorney at Phillips Law Group can take the matter to court and allow a jury to determine appropriate compensation.
Utah allows injured people four years from the accident date to file a lawsuit. However, waiting that long to get legal advice is unwise. An injured person enhances their ability to collect reasonable compensation when they act quickly.
As time passes, valuable physical evidence could erode or disappear. Witnesses’ memories may fade, and the parties responsible for the incident might die, go out of business, go bankrupt, or leave the jurisdiction. Having an attorney in Salt Lake City investigate an accident soon after it occurs prevents many of these problems and yields stronger evidence in most injury cases.
When a unit of government might have liability in an accident, prompt action is essential. Utah Code §63-G7-402 requires an injured person to file a notice of claim with the responsible agency within one year of the incident. Failing to file the notice in a timely manner could defeat a lawsuit, regardless of its merit.
Preventable accidents can cause significant and even life-changing injuries. The party responsible for the incident must pay for the harm their conduct caused.
Speak with a Salt Lake City personal injury lawyer at Phillips Law Group about your legal options. Reach out to learn more today. Our team can assist you with a free, no-obligation consultation. Call now to find out more!