Hit and Run Car Accidents in Prescott

In addition to obeying traffic laws and generally acting responsibly behind the wheel, Arizona drivers also have a “duty of care” under state law to exchange insurance and contact information with anyone else involved in a traffic collision. Failure to do this — or to fulfill any of the other similar requirements imposed by state law on people involved in wrecks — constitutes a criminal “hit and run” offense, which can carry increasingly severe penalties upon conviction depending on how much damage the wreck itself caused.

While the police and the criminal justice system are responsible for finding and prosecuting hit-and-run drivers, you may have grounds to take legal action in civil court over hit-and-run car accidents in Prescott. These types of cases can be challenging even by the usual standards of auto accident litigation, though, so you will definitely want to get the help of a seasoned car accident lawyer from Phillips Law Group as soon as possible after your crash.

Building a Strong Case Against a Hit and Run Driver

Anyone who violates a duty they have to act a certain way under certain circumstances and causes another person to get hurt as a direct result of that “breach of duty” is legally “negligent” under Arizona civil law. However, while someone who illegally flees the scene after negligently causing a car crash can face additional criminal penalties for their actions, the fact that they broke the law in this specific way does not automatically make them at fault for the incident they fled from based on negligence.

Instead, it will fall to the person injured in that wreck to prove that the incident happened specifically because of misconduct the hit-and-run driver engaged in before they illegally fled the scene, such as a violation of traffic law, drunk driving, or driving while distracted. Support from skilled legal representation can be key to both collecting relevant evidence and building a comprehensive civil claim over a hit and run car crash in Prescott.

Financial Recovery Options After a Hit and Run Crash

Of course, it is only possible to hold someone civilly liable for a car crash if that person can be positively identified as the one directly at fault for causing that wreck. Unfortunately, police are not always able to track down drivers who negligently cause wrecks and then illegally flee the scene, which could seriously limit a person injured in that accident’s options for seeking financial restitution for their losses.

When this happens after a hit-and-run car crash in Prescott, the best course of action for a person injured in that incident is usually to pursue compensation through their own insurance coverage to the fullest extent possible. Beyond just pursuing civil litigation, a skilled lawyer can also help negotiate with insurance providers to maximize benefits from things like uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

Consider Working With a Prescott Attorney on a Hit and Run Car Accident Claim

Whether you are able to identify the person who caused your hit and run car accident in Prescott or not, assistance from experienced legal counsel can be vital to obtaining fair financial recovery afterward. From pushing insurance companies to provide all the benefits you are entitled to under your policy to constructing a civil lawsuit against the driver who caused your crash and then fled the scene, a car accident lawyer from Phillips Law Group will be a steadfast ally throughout the entire legal process.

We have been locally owned and operated for more than 30 years, and we are not afraid to take your case to court if necessary to get you paid what you deserve. Get in touch with one of our team members today to learn more about your legal options.