The team at Phillips Law Group may work hard, but we play hard, too. And there’s no more obvious example of that than when we celebrate a holiday! This year, Phillips Law Group celebrated Halloween with a costume contest that really showed off our team’s creativity and talent.
Halloween Costume Contest
The Phillips Law Group team celebrated Halloween with a costume contest and a special lunch for all those in attendance. Our dedicated team members embraced the spirit of the holiday by showing up to the office in their finest Halloween costumes – which mostly ranged from the silly to even sillier this year!
Some of the groups included in the contest this year included a group of Barbies (and a Ken!), a Mario Brothers group, and a whole set of dwarves from Snow White!
Not to be outdone, some humorous individual costumes were separately chosen as winners in the costume contest as well. One team member dressed up as a Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru window, and another chose to be an alien on cloud 9. Check out all of the awesome looks below!
Staying Safe Every Halloween
Phillips Law Group knows all about having fun at Halloween, but we also want families to remember to stay safe this holiday, too. We wrote up a quick guide of Halloween safety tips to keep in mind, like making sure any walkways are well-lit and don’t have any obstacles for trick-or-treaters coming to your door for sweet treats.
A lot of the same safety tips you should remember at Halloween are also just good to keep in mind year-round! But if you do find yourself running into trouble and you need the assistance of a personal injury lawyer, we can help.
Feel free to contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your situation. And yes – we’ll even chat with you a bit more about our Halloween shenanigans if you ask nicely.