If you own a small business, you are probably very aware of how every bit of monetary assistance you receive can make or break your financial standing every quarter. Seeking out business grants and tax credits to help you and your business succeed can be an effective way to improve your financial situation, but it can also be very time-consuming.
That’s where a skilled law firm, like the team at Phillips Law Group, might be able to help you.
Take the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), for example. If your business experienced setbacks during the COVID-19 pandemic while continuing to retain W2 employees, then you may qualify for the ERTC, and a tax attorney specializing in the ERTC can help you apply for it.
The ERTC is a refundable tax credit that rewards businesses that kept employees on the payroll during the pandemic – up to $26,000 per employee. And while you can apply for this tax credit on your own as a business owner, an attorney with the experience that the team at Phillips and our partners possess can give you the best possible shot at getting the highest potential tax credit refund.
Attorneys that specialize in tax credits and other related assistance like business grants can conduct a detailed analysis for you to help with grants or credits like the ERTC while you focus on your business. They can prepare documentation, file applications, and correspond with the IRS – all tasks that could otherwise take time away from the countless other duties you have to do as a business owner.
Having a skilled law firm in your corner for tax credit applications and other financial dealings can certainly help to give you peace of mind if you run a business. Contact Phillips Law Group today to find out if you qualify for tax credits like the ERTC refund – an initial consultation is free, and we are ready and waiting to help!
Our experienced and knowledgeable legal professionals are ready to help you claim the tax incentives your business is entitled to. Give us a call to learn more.