While train accidents are nowhere near as common as car accidents, they can be even more devastating than other motor vehicle accidents. Passengers, as well as bystanders and people who live near railroad tracks can all be at risk for severe injury.
Since these kinds of accidents are rare, they are often due to negligence ”“ often the negligence of the train driver or the companies that own or maintain the locomotive. Victims of these accidents can discuss legal options with a Flagstaff train accident lawyer from Phillips Law Group.
Our firm has obtained more than $1 billion in financial compensation for Arizona injury victims. Founder Jeffrey Phillips is a member of numerous local and national legal organizations, including The National Trial Lawyers Association ”“ Top 100.
Your initial consultation is 100 percent free of charge. There are also zero upfront fees if we take your case. This means our attorneys do not get paid unless you receive financial compensation first.
Learn more. Call 602-222-222 today. You can also complete the online form and a representative will contact you.
Determining if You May Have a Case
This is a very difficult question to answer until we meet with you to discuss your injuries and damages and the circumstances of the train accident. There are many factors at play that must be carefully considered, such as:
- Was the accident caused by negligence and can the four elements of negligence be established (duty of care, breached duty of care, causation, damages)?
- Who could be at fault for negligence?
- Can the negligence that caused the accident be linked to your injuries?
There are many other factors our Flagstaff train accident lawyers may need to consider. We want you to have the information you need to make an informed decision about pursuing legal action.
We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. We are here to assist you.
Causes of Train Accidents That Could be Attributed to Negligence
There are many potential causes of train crashes and collisions with cars. Our lawyers can analyze the cause of your train crash to determine if negligence may have been involved:
- Excessive speed
- Equipment that malfunctions (warning lights, arms in railroad crosses, etc.)
- Failing to warn about a train approaching
- Bad design of railroad crossings
- Crashes with other trains
- Derailing from the tracks
Injury Compensation That May be Available
If you have a valid train accident claim, our attorneys are prepared to pursue maximum compensation for your physical, financial and emotional damages. While we know compensation cannot change what happened, it is the law’s way of attempting to make victim whole after an injury.
Some of the damages that could be available may include:
Medical Bills
You may be able to obtain compensation for current and future medical bills. This can include things like bills for surgical procedures, MRIs, x-rays, appointments with doctors, assistive equipment, transportation to the hospital in an ambulance, and mileage to and from doctor’s offices.
Future medical expenses could include physical therapy, copays, rehabilitation or other expenses for ongoing treatment of your injuries.
Loss of Wages and Earning Capacity
After a serious injury, people may be unable to work for a few days or more while they attempt to recover from their injuries.
Sometimes injuries are so severe, such as the loss of a limb or a spinal cord injury, the victim is unable to do the same job as before. If this happens, the victim may need training to work in an entirely different industry.
Pain and Suffering
Our Flagstaff train accident lawyers can explain how to document physical pain from an injury and the emotional suffering. We may ask you to keep a daily journal of your pain to help establish the full value. We can also review medical records and consult medical experts to help explain your level of physical pain and emotional trouble.
Lost Consortium
After an accident, a victim’s quality of life can see a major decline. This can have a negative impact on his or her relationship with his or her spouse.
If the victim is killed in the accident, the spouse could also be eligible for this form of compensation, along with surviving children.
In cases where the negligence that caused an accident was intentional or done with malice, victims may be eligible to pursue punitive damages. The purpose of this form of compensation is to punish at-fault parties for their egregious conduct.
How Much Time Do I Have to File a Claim?
Personal injury claims in Arizona have a two- year statute of limitations ”“ claims must be filed within two years of the date of the accident otherwise they will be barred.
While this deadline applies to many claims, there are times when the deadline is slightly different. This is based on the circumstances of the case and other factors, like the age of the victim. When victims are minors at the time of the accident, the two-year window does not start until he or she turns 18.
Since deadlines for personal injury claims can be quite complicated, it is generally recommended that you discuss things with an experienced attorney. Our experienced Flagstaff train accident lawyers can review your situation in a free consultation and determine how much time there is to take legal action.
The clock could already be running so it is important to contact us right away. The consultation is absolutely free.
Reach Phillips Law Group today. 602-222-222
Why You Should Contact a Lawyer
Working with a lawyer could be to your advantage because those who do tend to obtain more compensation than those who do not.
There could be many reasons for this. For instance, truck accident cases can be very complicated. It takes resources to be able to thoroughly investigate.
Why Train Crashes Can be Complicated
If the train was carrying goods over state lines, the situation is regulated by the federal government. That means your claim would be a federal one.
Even if your claim is not a federal one, it could involve a corporation or local government, particularly if you were injured on a commuter train. These entities will fight very hard to avoid liability or paying out fair compensation.
Phillips Law Group’s licensed attorneys are prepared to handle these kinds of claims. We have the resources to thoroughly investigate and make a strong argument in the courtroom if it gets to that point.
Regulations That Could Come into Play
You need extensive knowledge of relevant laws and regulations to determine when these rules have been broken. This is why you should consider relying on a trusted attorney to deal with this.
Our Flagstaff train accident lawyers understand there are numerous regulations for trains. We know how to research these regulations and can consult with experts to help us build your case.
Dealing with Insurance Companies
Accident victims are often unaware of how at-fault parties and their insurance companies are working against them. If an insurance company calls, they are just looking for some way to escape liability. They want to settle things quickly because early settlement offers are often for far less money than victims deserve.
You should strongly consider allowing our attorneys to deal with insurance companies for you. We know how to protect the value of your claim. We can also explain insurance company requests to you and how we think they can be dealt with to protect your best interests.
The attorneys at Phillips Law Group have decades of combined experience successfully negotiating with insurance companies for fair compensation.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Flagstaff Train Accident Lawyer
We understand what injury victims are going through because we have helped more than 155,000 clients in 27 years in their time of need. We have obtained hundreds of millions in settlements and verdicts for our clients.
Our founder Jeffrey Phillips has extensive experience in the legal process, having served as lead counsel in over 40 jury trials. He has been recognized by prestigious legal organizations and is premiere member of the American Academy of Trial Attorneys.
There are no upfront fees for our services and the initial consultation is free. We can determine if you may have a case and you decide if you want to pursue it.
We can be contacted 24/7 by phone, live chat or by completing a Free Case Evaluation form.