Who in Your House is Covered by Your Car Insurance?

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completing paper application for insuranceAre other drivers who live at your house automatically covered by your car insurance? Do they need to be listed on your policy?

These are important questions because you never know when an accident might happen. You do not want to assume someone is covered by your policy only to be surprised to find out they are not, particularly after a crash. We rely on insurance to provide compensation when the unforeseen happens.

Our Phoenix auto accident lawyers know crash victims often have many questions about car insurance. We also know insurance companies tend to mislead accident victims to try to avoid providing compensation.

We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your legal options after a car crash. If you have a valid claim, we are prepared to deal with the insurance company on your behalf to protect your best interests.

Why Does My Insurance Matter After a Car Crash?

You may be thinking your car insurance should not be something to be concerned about. Arizona is an at-fault state, which means the driver who caused the crash is responsible for the damages that may result. If you were not at fault, you would file a claim with the other driver’s insurance company.

However, sometimes you need compensation from your own insurance company after an accident caused by another driver. For example, what if the at-fault driver has no insurance? What if it was a hit-and-run and the police cannot find the driver who fled?

In these situations, you would likely need to file a claim against your policy’s uninsured motorist coverage. If the other driver has coverage but it runs out and you still have damages that have not been covered, you may be able to file a claim against your underinsured motorist coverage.

If the other driver’s policy does not cover the damage to your vehicle, you may need to file a claim against the collision coverage in your policy. While collision coverage is not required under Arizona law, many drivers have it because it is required by lenders and leasing companies.

Others covered by your policy may also benefit from these coverages after a crash.

Others Covered by Your Car Insurance Policy

If anyone is listed on your policy, they would likely benefit from it if a claim needs to be filed. (The policy would also likely kick in if the other person covered by your policy caused the accident.)

While each insurance company is different, they generally require or expect the following people to be listed on your policy:

  • Family members with driver’s licenses
  • Others who live in your household and have driver’s licenses but lack insurance
  • Anyone who regularly drives your vehicle and does not have insurance from another policy

If someone who lives at your house is a licensed driver and is not listed on your policy, the insurance company may want to know about them, including if that person has an insurance policy. The insurance company is probably going to ask you about anyone who lives at your house who is not listed on your policy.

If you want to avoid the uncertainty about whether someone is covered by your policy, you should at least make sure they are listed on the policy.

What About People Not Listed on My Policy?

If you give someone permission to drive your vehicle and an accident occurs, your insurance will probably cover them. If this person did not have your permission, you are unlikely to be held liable for any damages this person causes.

However, if you lent your car to someone without a license, your insurance policy may exclude coverage.

You should also be aware if you leave your keys in your house where you know others have access to them, and you regularly let others drive your car, your insurance company may say you implicitly gave permission to others who live at your house to drive your car. That means your car insurance would likely apply. If the person who drove your car was unlicensed, but he or she has a strong argument about implied permission to take the keys, you may be on the hook for damages he or she causes.

Need Help with the Insurance Company? Call Phillips Law Group

Our firm has an established track record of recovering compensation for personal injury victims, including car crash victims. We have obtained more than $1 billion in compensation on behalf of our clients over more than 28 years.

We are prepared to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. We know how to determine the full value of a claim and gather the evidence we need to build a strong case.

There is no risk in meeting with us because there is no obligation to take legal action and no upfront fees.

Call Phillips Law Group today for assistance. Phone: 602-222-2222

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