Phillips Law is no longer accepting Seroquel cases at this time.
If you or a loved one has been adversely affected by Seroquel, a skilled pharmaceutical attorney at Phillips Law Group can assist you. By filing a Seroquel lawsuit through our Phoenix office, you can help to ensure that manufacturers are held responsible for their negligence.
The Truth about SeroquelFF
Quetiapine, an atypical antipsychotic drug, is marketed by AstraZeneca under the brand name of Seroquel. Although approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat schizophrenia and symptoms of bipolar disorder, some physicians have prescribed Seroquel for “off-label” conditions including sleep disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and other anxiety disorders.
Although studies have linked Seroquel to diabetes and other serious side effects, the drug is still on the market. Angry that AstraZeneca is still earning profits on the seemingly defective drug, individuals adversely affected by Seroquel have pursued lawsuits against the manufacturer. If you have questions regarding a Seroquel lawsuit, an attorney at the Phoenix, Arizona office of Phillips Law Group can discuss your options with you.
Studies Reveal Seroquel Causes Diabetes and Other Side Effects
All prescription drugs have some risk of minor side effects, but when a prescribed drug like Seroquel has serious or undisclosed side effects, it puts patients at risk.
A 2003 study of antipsychotic drugs including Zyprexa, Risperdal, and Seroquel found that patients using the drugs had an increased risk of diabetes. The study noted that there was an almost 50 percent increase in the risk of Seroquel patients developing Type 2 diabetes. Many dismissed the Seroquel side effects findings, stating that the sample size of Seroquel participants was too small to produce conclusive results. However, a higher than average number of Seroquel patients did develop diabetes.
The onset of Type 2 diabetes is only one of the known Seroquel side effects. Increased drowsiness is one of the main Seroquel side effects. It is so common, in fact, that some physicians prescribe Seroquel to combat insomnia and other sleep disorders. The sedative attributes of the drug have led to some cases of Seroquel abuse.
More serious, but less common, Seroquel side effects include the neurological disorders of tardive dyskinesia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. There are also some claims that Seroquel causes serious injuries to the kidneys, liver, and pancreas and may possibly be linked to such major health issues as seizures, heart disease, and blindness.
If you were misinformed about Seroquel and its potentially harmful side effects, Phillips Law Group can help. We invite you to discuss your potential Seroquel lawsuit with an attorney at our Phoenix, Arizona firm.
Seroquel Attorneys with Extensive Pharmaceutical Litigation Experience
At Phillips Law Group, we have several skilled dangerous drug lawyers who can help you file a Seroquel lawsuit. If you or a loved one was incorrectly prescribed or otherwise adversely affected by Seroquel, a skilled attorney can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
Seroquel side effects, including the onset of diabetes, may have changed your life. For a free consultation regarding your Seroquel lawsuit, contact an attorney at our Phoenix, Arizona office. Wherever you live in the United States, we can help you with your Seroquel case.
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