Jackknife Truck Accidents in Mesa

Sharing the road with large trucks can be dangerous for smaller vehicles. In a collision with a tractor-trailer, commuter cars can be crushed, and their occupants severely injured.

Jackknife truck accidents in Mesa happen too frequently and are usually preventable. Reach out to Phillips Law Group when you need legal representation after a commercial vehicle collision. We have been helping members of the community get justice after serious accidents for more than 30 years.

What Causes a Truck to Jackknife?

A truck jackknifes when its trailer swings out at an angle to the cab. The trailer can cross adjacent traffic lanes and collide with other vehicles traveling beside it. Jackknives can force the truck to overturn, blocking traffic and often causing multi-vehicle pileups.

Speeding and driving too fast for conditions can cause a jackknife. A distracted or fatigued trucker might hit a pothole or obstacle or work the brakes too hard, which could also lead to a jackknife. Tire blowouts, brake failures, and steering problems also can contribute to these wrecks.

In almost every case, truck driver error or vehicle maintenance issues contribute to jackknife wreck. Improperly loaded cargo and poor road surfaces are also sometimes contributing factors. Our Mesa attorneys can investigate an incident, pinpoint the failures that led to it, and hold the responsible parties accountable.

Truck Accidents Can Cause Severe Injuries

Jackknives often happen on highways when trucks are traveling at speed. That makes them incredibly dangerous, as collisions at high speeds are especially destructive to other vehicles.

Survivors often sustain life-altering injuries, including:

People in serious truck accidents also frequently suffer disabling psychological effects like post-traumatic stress disorder.

When someone sustains a severe injury in a truck accident, the trucking company’s insurers might make settlement offers soon after the incident. An injured person or their family members might feel pressured to accept due to financial strain, but the initial offers are almost always inadequate. Engaging a Mesa attorney immediately forces the insurance company to communicate through the legal professional, which can reduce stress on the family while ensuring negotiations proceed in good faith.

The Law Requires Swift Action

Statutes of limitation are laws that define time limits for taking legal action. Someone seeking compensation for injuries sustained in an accident must file a lawsuit within two years of the injury. Missing the deadline means a court will not hear a case, regardless of its merit.

However, there are certain situations that can make this time limit shorter or longer than two years. For example, people under 18 cannot file lawsuits. When a child is injured in an accident, they have until two years after their 18th birthday to file a lawsuit.

Additionally, poor road maintenance or inadequate markings sometimes contribute to jackknife accidents. The local government responsible for the road could be liable in this instance, but an injured person must act quickly. Arizona Revised Statute §12-821.01 requires anyone with a claim against the state or a local government to file a notice of their claim within six months of the incident. A Mesa attorney can review the details of a jackknife wreck and ensure the notice is filed timely.

Work With a Mesa Attorney After a Jackknife Accident

Jackknife truck accidents in Mesa can cause catastrophic injuries to others on the road. When you sustain harm because a truck jackknifes, you deserve compensation from the negligent parties.

Contact Phillips Law Group immediately after an accident. Our team has been providing skilled legal representation to the community for decades. Schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today!