Scooters may be convenient, but riders are often inexperienced and do not know how to safely handle these vehicles. This puts the rider, along with pedestrians and drivers of nearby vehicles at a higher risk for an accident.
If you suffered an injury in a scooter accident, you may be eligible to seek financial compensation. The experienced legal team at Phillips Law Group is committed to helping you recover maximum compensation, if you have a valid case. Our founder Jeffrey Phillips and the associates of Phillips Law Group have helped more than 155,000 clients recover more than $1 billion in damage compensation.
Our firm can be contacted 24/7 and we offer a free consultation so you can learn about how we assist injury victims. There are no upfront fees and you are only charged for our services if our Glendale scooter accident attorneys recover compensation on your behalf through an insurance settlement or trial verdict.
Call Phillips Law Group today to get started. 602-222-222
Can I Pursue Financial Compensation for My Scooter Accident?
Each scooter accident case is different and involves unique circumstances, so we recommend contacting our qualified scooter accidents attorneys to learn if you may have a viable claim.
Most personal injury claims involve the legal theory of negligence, which requires your attorney to provide proof of the following
- The defendant owed you a duty of care ”“ All drivers are expected to obey traffic laws and actively work to avoid accidents. Scooter riders also have traffic rules to follow to prevent injuries to themselves and others.
- The defendant breached the duty of care ”“ The defendant may have been distracted, impaired, speeding or otherwise operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner at the time of the accident.
- The breach was the cause of your harm ”“ The breach of duty must be directly linked to the actual harm that you suffered. For example, maybe the driver was distracted and that was why he or she did not see a scooter rider before crashing into him or her.
- You suffered damages ”“ You must provide proof you incurred damages, like medical expenses, lost wages or suffered physically or mentally due to the accident.
Since there is no cost to review your claim, it is often in a potential client’s best interests to contact an experienced Glendale scooter accident lawyer for a free case review. If we find you may have a case, you have no obligation to take legal action, but we can represent your interests in case you do decide to move forward with your claim.
Contact our firm at 602-222-222 to schedule your complimentary case consultation.
Who Could be Held Liable for My Injuries?
This is one of many factors our lawyers are ready to review to determine if you have a case. Some of the liable parties for a scooter accident could include:
- Drivers ”“ They are increasingly distracted by their phones, particularly in high-traffic areas. Even at slow speed, a collision with a scooter rider can cause devastating injuries.
- The manufacturer ”“ It is possible there was a defective component on the scooter that caused you to lose control and crash. The manufacturer, designer, retailer or another party in the supply chain could hold liability in this situation, depending on why the component was defective.
- Local government ”“ Problems with the road or sidewalk could have caused you to suffer injury. For example, maybe the sidewalk was in bad shape and there was no warning about it.
- Pedestrians ”“ A pedestrian could step out in front of a scooter, causing the rider to swerve out of the way and crash in the process. Riders could easily hit a street sign or another fixed object and be thrown off the scooter.
What Is My Scooter Accident Case Worth?
It is difficult to estimate the potential compensation you may be able to recover from your scooter accident because unique circumstances may impact your case value, including who is found liable for your damages, the severity of your injuries and whether you shared any fault for the accident.
If you have a case, you may be able to recover compensation for:
- Property damage
- Past, current, and future medical bills
- Physical therapy
- Lost wages
- Loss of earning capacity
- Loss of consortium
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
Under Arizona’s comparative negligence law, if you contributed to the accident, you are not barred from filing a claim against the other responsible party. However, any damages you receive must be reduced by your percentage of fault.
In practice this would mean if you were found to be 10 percent responsible for the accident and you suffered $100,000 in damages, you would only receive $90,000, if your attorney is able to recover full compensation.
If you have questions about the potential value of our claim, call us today to speak to a qualified Glendale scooter accident attorney.
How Can Phillips Law Group’s Attorneys Help Me?
Our licensed attorneys have an established history of recovering compensation for injury victims in Arizona. We assist our clients with all aspects of their case, including taking care of the following important matters:
- Completing a thorough investigation of the case
- Collecting evidence that can be admitted in court
- Preparing all necessary legal filings
- Handling all communications and settlement negotiations with the insurance company
What is the Deadline for Filing a Claim?
There is a two-year statute of limitations in Arizona for personal injury claims, including vehicle accident claims (Arizona Revised Statutes 12-542).
However, there are exceptions to this law which may lengthen or shorten your deadline. For example, if a government entity was responsible for your injuries, your timeline to file a lawsuit is 180 days from the date of the accident.
Since each case is unique, we recommend contacting our licensed Glendale scooter accident attorneys to determine the deadline that applies in your case.
Phillips Law Group: 602-222-222
Arizona Laws on Scooters
In April 2019, Arizona passed Senate Bill 1398, which established statewide definitions for small scooters. Under this law, scooter riders have the same rights and responsibilities as cyclists unless there is a local regulation to the contrary.
Scooters are classified under one of two categories:
Electric Miniature Scooter
Characteristics of an electric miniature scooter under Arizona law include the following:
- The scooter weighs less than 30 pounds
- It does not exceed 10 miles per hour
- Is powered by an electric motor, human power or both
- It has two or three wheels
- It has a floorboard where a person can stand while driving
- It has handlebars
Electric Standup Scooter
An electric standup scooter has the following characteristics:
- The scooter weighs less than 75 pounds
- It does not exceed 20 miles per hour
- It is powered by an electric motor, human power or both
- It has two or three wheels
- It has a floorboard where a person can stand while driving
- It has handlebars
Moped and Motorcycle Laws
If your scooter does not fall under one of the categories above or runs above 20 miles per hour, moped laws apply. Mopeds must be insured and registered with the state. They must have a unique identification, consisting of letters, numbers or both that is visible from at least five feet away.
If the scooter travels faster than 25 miles per hour and has a higher horsepower than typical mopeds, motorcycle laws apply. Drivers under 18 must wear helmets and all drivers must wear eye protection. A driver must have a valid license and insurance. These vehicles cannot be driven in bike lanes or on sidewalks. They are generally permitted to go on highways if they meet speed requirements.
Our Glendale scooter accident lawyers can review these regulations to determine what applies to your accident. We have many years of combined experience building robust cases for accident victims.
Contact Our Glendale Scooter Accident Lawyers Today
If you were injured in a scooter accident, one of the most important things that you can do is to quickly contact an experienced Glendale scooter accident lawyer.
At Phillips Law Group, we have a proven record of compensation recoveries over 27 years. Our founder, Jeffrey Phillips, has been lead counsel in more than 40 jury trials and obtained verdicts in several Arizona counties.
We are prepared to use our in-depth knowledge of Arizona personal injury laws to help you recover the maximum compensation that may be available for your claim.
We charge no upfront fees and offer a free consultation. We are approximately 20 minutes from State Farm Stadium (formerly University of Phoenix Stadium) in Glendale, Arizona.
Call us at 602-222-222 to schedule your free case review.