Avondale Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Car accidents, slip and falls, and construction accidents can result in victims sustaining a severe brain injury. If you or someone you care about has suffered brain trauma, consulting a lawyer is an important part of the recovery process. You may be eligible to recover compensation for your physical and emotional suffering.

Our lawyers at Phillips Law Group have been advocating for victims’ rights for almost three decades, having recovered millions of dollars in compensation for Arizona residents. This includes a recovery of $7,650,000 on behalf of a motorcycle accident victim who sustained a skull fracture and traumatic brain injury (TBI) and $2,163,000 for the victim of an auto accident who sustained serious injury to the brain.

Initial consultations are 100 percent free. It costs nothing upfront to retain our services. We only get paid at the end of the legal process if we help you obtain compensation via a settlement or verdict.

Our phone lines are open to receive your call 24/7. Call our firm today: 602-222-222

How Do I Know I Have a Case?

Brain injuries impact a victim’s life in many different ways. This is why our legal team cannot accurately answer this question until we are able to discuss your situation during a free, no-obligation consultation.

Several factors will be taken into consideration. The most important in these types of cases is being able to prove that your traumatic brain injury was due to someone else’s negligence. An Avondale traumatic brain injury lawyer from the Phillips Law Group is prepared to help you prove the four elements of negligence required:

  • A duty of care was owed to you – The other party had a legal duty to prevent you from harm.
  • This duty of care was breached – The other party acted or failed to act in a reasonable manner that someone else would have done under similar circumstances.
  • There is a causal link between the breach and your injury – The other party’s breach led to your injuries and would not have otherwise happened.
  • This breach caused you to suffer damages – Damages could include medical bills and loss of wages.

Unsure if you may have a case? Contact our firm today to learn more. 602-222-222 .

What is My Case Potentially Worth?

The value of any case will depend on your unique circumstances. Generally, victims of traumatic brain injuries may be able to recover two forms of compensation: economic and non-economic damages, including:

  • Past and current medical bills for care
  • Costs of future medical treatment
  • Medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter
  • Expenses associated with a daily caregiver
  • Rehabilitation or physical therapy sessions
  • Counseling services to treat mental health
  • Loss of income due to an inability to work while recovering
  • Loss of future earning capacity if unable to return to work
  • Physical pain and mental suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life in being able to do certain activities
  • Funeral or burial costs after the death of a loved one

To learn more about the potential value of your case, we recommend reaching out to one of our licensed Avondale traumatic brain injury lawyers to schedule a free consultation. There is no risk in calling us.

Why Having a Lawyer Could Be Beneficial

Cases that involve trauma to the brain can be challenging, which is one reason why having an experienced lawyer on your side can be beneficial. To be able to pursue compensation for a TBI, you must be able to establish the full extent of your damages by seeking immediate medical care and following the doctor’s prescribed treatment plan. Your attorney will guide you throughout your case and help you to understand several tactics an insurance company may try to use to devalue your claim or to argue that your traumatic brain injury is less severe than you say.

At Phillips Law Group, we have a team of investigators, paralegals, and support staff ready to help build a strong case on your behalf. Should you have a case and decide to move forward, we are prepared to:

  • Thoroughly investigate how your injury occurred
  • Gather evidence to show negligence played a role
  • Assess the true value of your damages after the injury
  • Keep you informed throughout the legal process
  • Communicate with the insurance company for you
  • Negotiate for a fair settlement or go to trial if need be

Phillips Law Group. Benefit from our proven track record. Get started today: 602-222-222

Time Limits for Taking Legal Action

In the state of Arizona, the statute of limitations for victims of traumatic brain injuries is typically two years from the date the accident happened. Waiting too long to file could cost you the ability to pursue any legal claim against the at-fault party, which in turn also costs you the ability to pursue compensation.

There are certain exceptions to this time limit. You may be asked to file sooner or later. For instance, if you did not discover that you had a TBI until a later date, the filing date would not begin until you discovered or should have reasonably discovered your injury. Minors who sustain a TBI have two years from the date they turn 18 years old to take legal action. Again, this time limit will depend on a case-by-case basis.

Different Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Every TBI is different, but some of the most common types of brain trauma include the following:


These happen due to a direct blow or violent jolt to the head. Concussions may cause victims to suffer serious impairments for the rest of their lives. Generally, you lose consciousness for a brief moment or feel dazed. However, it could take months to years to fully recover.


These happen due to a significant impact to the head that results in a bruise or brain bleed. Certain contusions may require surgery to stop the bleeding.


These injuries happen due to a violent impact to the brain that causes the brain to hit the other side of the skull. Symptoms are immediately apparent and recovery time can be long.

Diffuse Axonal

These injuries happen due to a strong shake to the head that causes significant tearing of the nerve tissue within the brain. Victims can suffer from serious functional impairments, temporary or permanent damage to the brain, or death.


If an object penetrates the brain and skull, victims can suffer from a severe brain bleed, blood clots, lack of oxygen to the brain or death.

Traumatic brain injuries also have varying degrees or levels that range from mild to severe:

  • Mild TBIs ”“ Victims lose consciousness for several seconds to minutes and leave them feeling dazed or confused, even without losing consciousness. Imaging tests or scans may even look normal.
  • Moderate TBIs ”“ Victims may feel disoriented or lose consciousness for a few minutes to hours, but the physical, cognitive or behavioral Impairments may last for months or become permanent. Victims with moderate brain trauma may be able to recover with proper care.
  • Severe TBIs ”“ Victims who have a crushing blow or a wound that penetrates the head could be life-threatening. These injuries can crush or tear brain tissue that would require extensive medical care.

Traumatic Brain Injury Signs and Symptoms

TBIs are often the result of certain kinds of accidents and incidents:

  • Motor vehicle accidents (car, bus, truck, motorcycles)
  • Slip and falls
  • Construction accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Defective products (tires, brakes)
  • Workplace accidents
  • Scooter accidents
  • Pool drowning accidents
  • Train collisions

These situations can lead to a number of traumatic brain injury symptoms, including:

  • Difficulty thinking clearly
  • Headache
  • Fuzzy or blurry vision
  • Irritability
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Feeling slowed down
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sensitivity to noise or light
  • Balance problems
  • Feeling atypically emotional
  • Difficulty remembering new information
  • Feeling tired, having no energy
  • Nervousness or anxiety

Our Avondale Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers Are Here to Help

Have you sustained a traumatic brain injury due to negligence?

Learn more about your potential legal options by reaching out to our qualified Avondale traumatic brain injury lawyers as soon as possible. Our consultations are free of charge. You are under no obligation to hire us.

Phillips Law Group has been representing residents in Avondale and across Arizona for nearly three decades. We have recovered more than $1 billion on behalf of our clients in those years. Our founder Jeff Phillips is an active member of the National Brain Injury Trial Lawyers ”“ Top 25.

There are no upfront fees involved. You only pay us if we help you win. We are standing by to take your call.

Phillips Law Group. Quality legal help when you need it. Call 602-222-222