Rear-End Car Accidents in Avondale

If you were recently rear-ended at a stop sign, red light, while stuck in traffic, or under any other circumstances, you can hardly be blamed for wanting to take legal action against the person who irresponsibly hit you. However, while it is true that the rearmost driver is usually the one to blame for a wreck like this, that is not the case in every situation, and moving forward with a lawsuit while assuming a court will side with you can be a recipe for disaster.

In virtually every situation, getting paid fairly for harm caused by rear-end car accidents in Avondale requires working with skilled legal professionals who know through previous experience how to get good results from cases of this nature. With a knowledgeable car accident attorney on your side, you will be able to more effectively enforce your rights and give yourself the best chances possible of obtaining the restitution you need.

Common Causes of Rear-End Crashes

By nature, rear-end car crashes in Avondale and throughout the state of Arizona almost always happen when the rearmost car is traveling at a significantly higher rate of speed than the frontmost car. As a result, distracted driving is a particularly common cause for this sort of collision, especially in stop-and-start traffic and while approaching intersections. Drunk or fatigued driving, going over the speed limit, and failing to account for inclement weather or road conditions can likewise increase the risk of someone rear-ending someone else on the road.

While rear-end wrecks tend to not be quite as dangerous as head-on or side-impact collisions, that does not mean they cannot cause serious injuries resulting in long-term or even permanent and debilitating harm. Whiplash is especially common in crashes like this, and other common injuries include lacerations from broken glass, broken bones in the face and arms, and soft-tissue injuries like ligament tears and sprains. Any medical bills for injuries sustained in a rear-end crash can be factored into an ensuing civil claim, including both short-term expenses which have already been assessed when the claim begins, and expected future expenses for long-term care.

Taking Effective Legal Action Over a Rear-End Wreck

Even if the rearmost driver did something reckless or careless before getting into a rear-end car accident in Avondale, it can still be important for the injured person they hit to show that they themselves were not at fault for causing the crash in any way. For example, if someone were to get rear-ended in part because they slammed on their brakes suddenly on a highway, they might be assigned a share of “comparative fault” for an ensuing collision and, in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes § 12-2505, have their final damage award proportionately reduced in value.

Additionally, it is important to take action relatively quickly after this sort of wreck occurs, since A.R.S. § 12-542 typically gives people who sustain personal injuries through the negligence of another person just two years at most to begin a lawsuit over that incident. These are two areas of the legal process where assistance from a qualified legal professional can be particularly vital to getting a positive final result for an injured “plaintiff.”

Talk to an Avondale Attorney About a Rear-End Car Accident Claim

Even if it seems obvious to you that someone else is to blame for rear-ending you, you will still need to put forward a strong civil claim if you want to compel that person to pay for your accident-related losses. You will also almost certainly want help navigating around common legal and procedural pitfalls that might otherwise keep you from getting paid anything at all, let alone the full amount you deserve for your damages.

Put simply, contacting a seasoned attorney should be a top priority for anyone recently injured in a rear-end car accident in Avondale. Call the Phillips Law Group today for a consultation.