Front-End Car Accidents in Avondale

While any type of car accident can lead to a serious injury, few types of wrecks are more consistently dangerous—and, unfortunately, life-threatening—than those involving two cars crashing together front-first while traveling in opposite directions. Even a relatively low-speed accident of this variety has the potential to cause immense physical, financial, and psychological damage, and higher-speed crashes are all too often fatal.

When you are involved in a front-end car accident in Avondale that you believe was the fault of someone else, you have a right to demand civil restitution from that person for every form of harm you experience from the crash. Guidance from a compassionate car accident attorney can be crucial every step of the way through this process, whether it ends with a private settlement or progresses all the way to a civil courtroom.

How the Location of a Head-On Wreck Can Affect a Civil Claim

Since they virtually always happen between cars traveling parallel to each other but in different directions, front-end car crashes in Avondale and across the state of Arizona most commonly happen on narrow two-lane roads, and less commonly at intersections and on highways. Just because these accidents happen more often on two-lane roads, though, does not necessarily mean that a particular type of collision is easier to file suit over.

For instance, consider a front-end crash that occurs on a one-way street. In this kind of scenario, establishing who is to blame for the wreck would likely be as simple as determining who was traveling the wrong way down that street. Conversely, when head-on wrecks happen on rural roads, it can be difficult to conclusively prove that one driver or the other veered out of their lane, and objective evidence like surveillance camera footage may be much harder than usual to come by. This is just one reason among many why retaining skilled legal counsel is particularly important to recovering fairly after this type of auto accident.

Recovering for Short-Term and Long-Term Losses

Legal counsel can also play a key role in ensuring that someone injured in an Avondale head-on car accident gets paid fairly for things like emergency medical expenses and car repair costs they have already experienced as well as those they will experience months, years, or even decades down the line due to the wreck. Depending on the circumstances, this could mean proactively estimating the value of losses including:

  • Physical pain and discomfort
  • Psychological and emotional distress
  • Lost working and earning capacity due to permanent disability
  • Costs of future medical and/or rehabilitative care, including for things like assistive equipment and in-home assistance
  • Lost enjoyment of life, potentially including lost “consortium” with a spouse or intimate partner

Even if a wreck has left someone with permanent and debilitating injuries, they still only have two years at most under Arizona Revised Statutes § 12-542 to file suit, with extremely limited exceptions. In short, time is of the essence after a front-end crash.

Help Is Available From an Avondale Attorney After a Front-End Car Accident

Getting in a head-on car crash is virtually always a traumatic experience, and it can very often be a life-changing one as well. Fortunately, you have the right to file suit and demand fair civil restitution after an incident like this.

A conversation with an attorney from our team could help you better understand your rights and legal options following a front-end car accident in Avondale. Call today to schedule a meeting.