Tolleson Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The central nervous system (CNS) connects the brain to every part of the body, from the neck and torso down to the tips of your fingers and toes. However, each signal the brain sends through those nerves — and every sensation those nerves transmit back up to the spine — must travel along a central pathway encased within the spine’s vertebrae called the “spinal cord.” Any structural damage sustained by the spinal cord can have uniquely catastrophic consequences.

There is rarely a simple route forward after suffering debilitating physical harm due to spinal cord damage, but taking legal action with a catastrophic injury attorney’s help against the person responsible for injuring you could be a crucial first step. With a knowledgeable Tolleson spinal cord injury lawyer from Phillips Law Group by your side, you will have the best chances of clearly establishing fault for your injury and recovering fair financial compensation for every negative effect that injury will have on your life.

Common Causes and Impacts of Spinal Cord Trauma

Despite the protection provided by the spine’s vertebrae, the spinal cord is still susceptible to being damaged by external impacts against the back or neck, as well as from the neck or head being violently turned or pulled in an unnatural direction. This kind of trauma is especially common in high-speed traffic accidents, but it can also stem from malpractice by a physician or surgeon, a sudden slip or trip and fall, a collision during an athletic competition, or even from certain types of defective consumer products.

Regardless of what sort of accident leads to it happening, the location along the spine where spinal cord damage occurs significantly impacts the physical consequences the injury will have, as does the “completeness” of the injury. An incomplete injury to the spinal cord near the tailbone may only result in partial paralysis of the lower limbs or paraplegia, while the spinal cord being completely severed at the neck will usually result in quadriplegia of all four limbs and the entire torso. Guidance from a skilled Tolleson spinal cord injury attorney can help injured people understand their legal options for recovery either way.

What Deadlines Apply to Spinal Cord Injury Claims?

Recoverable damages from spinal cord injury claims can vary dramatically from person to person but typically include things like:

  • Physical pain and discomfort
  • Lost working ability or work income
  • Psychological and emotional suffering
  • Past and expected future medical expenses
  • Lost consortium and lost overall enjoyment of life
  • Personal property damage, plus disability-related costs for things like assistive equipment and home/vehicle modifications

However, even though spinal cord damage often causes permanent harm, the two-year filing deadline for personal injury cases set by Arizona Revised Statutes § 12-542 still generally applies to spinal cord injury claims as well. In other words, failing to retain a seasoned spinal cord accident lawyer in Tolleson to file a comprehensive claim within two years of the injury occurring will almost always leave an injured person with no way of recovering any civil compensation for that particular injury.

Consider Working With a Tolleson Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Spinal cord damage is one of the most singularly catastrophic outcomes any accident can have. When you are dealing with this kind of injury because another person acted irresponsibly or unlawfully around you, they should be the one to pay financially for the immense harm your injury results in, not you.

Assistance from a tenacious Tolleson spinal cord injury lawyer with over three decades of experience helping community members like you could be crucial to ensuring your case has the best possible outcome for you. Call Phillips Law Group today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a member of our team to learn more.