Front-End Car Accidents in Glendale

Any collision between fast-moving motor vehicles has the potential to cause serious and long-lasting injuries, even if you are wearing your seatbelt and have modern safety features like airbags in your car. Few other types of wrecks, though, are more likely to cause permanent and potentially fatal harm than those involving two cars crashing front-first into each other, particularly if the collision happens on a rural two-lane road or on a crowded highway.

On top of that, proving someone else at fault for a front-end car accident in Glendale can be deceptively difficult, as can identifying and assigning a fair financial value to all the losses you have sustained as a result of your wreck. Put simply, this is a serious situation that can be challenging to effectively file suit over, which means it may be all but essential for you to seek help from a seasoned car accident lawyer if you want to achieve a favorable case result in the end. Reach out to Phillips Law Group today to learn more.

What Makes Head-On Wrecks So Dangerous?

Modern commuter cars are a great deal safer than older models thanks to various advancements in vehicle design and safety technology, but at the end of the day, the basic physical laws of motion still reign supreme over any safety device imaginable. When someone hits an obstacle or another car while driving, their car may come to an immediate stop, but their body will keep moving at whatever speed their car was traveling at before the wreck, and hitting an airbag at highway speeds can still do a lot of damage to the average person’s body.

What makes front-end car crashes in Glendale and throughout Arizona particularly severe is the fact that people involved in them are not hitting stationary objects, but instead are being hit by an object traveling at the same speed they are — or sometimes even faster — in the opposite direction. As a result, their body may continue moving forward when their car actually moves back towards them at high speed, dramatically increasing the force of the impact and often resulting in extremely serious damage to the brain, spinal cord, and internal organs.

Recovering for Short-Term and Long-Term Losses

The fact that head-on car crashes in Glendale tend to cause especially severe injuries does not change the process of proving someone else liable for causing the wreck through their own reckless or careless misconduct. However, it does often make it more important to account for expected future consequences of the crash in addition to losses that happened immediately as a result of it, since front-end wrecks very often result in permanent injuries.

Depending on the circumstances, this could mean proactively estimating the future value of and seeking compensation in advance for things like:

  • Long-term medical expenses, including costs of physical therapy and assistive equipment like wheelchairs
  • Costs of home/vehicle modifications and other things necessitated by permanent disability
  • Lost working and earning capacity
  • Physical pain and psychological suffering
  • Lost overall quality of life

This, more than anything else, is what makes it so vital to have help from knowledgeable legal counsel when pursuing a claim of this nature.

Talk to a Glendale Attorney About Front-End Car Accident Litigation

No matter where or how it happens, a head-on car crash is one of the most dangerous things anyone can experience on any public road. Even relatively “minor” wrecks may cause expensive and debilitating injuries, and at higher speeds, head-on collisions are likely to cause irreversible harm.

If you have been seriously hurt in a front-end car accident in Glendale, you have help available from a law firm that has been locally owned and operated in the Phoenix metro area for over 30 years. Call Phillips Law Group today to see how our seasoned team can help you move forward with your case — and your life.

Your initial consultation is free, and you owe us nothing unless we are successful in recovering compensation for you. Additionally, you are under no obligation to work with us after your first meeting. Please reach out to our team today to get started!