Gilbert Dog Bite Lawyer

Dogs of every breed, size, and shape can be lovable companions if they are trained well and dangerous, all-but-wild animals if they are not. While most dog owners in Gilbert and around Arizona are responsible with how they keep and control their pets, even the most diligent person can accidentally leave a gate unlatched, or a leash unclipped, and less diligent people may be more likely than that to allow their dog to roam free and cause harm to other animals and people.

Whatever circumstances led to you being bitten and injured by someone else’s dog, you very likely have grounds to file a civil suit against them with a personal injury attorney’s help. By working with an experienced Gilbert dog bite lawyer who is willing to fight on your behalf all the way to trial if necessary, you will give yourself the best possible chances of recovering comprehensively for the harm you have sustained.

Are Dog Owners Always Liable for Bite Injuries in Arizona?

Arizona is one of several states that imposes “strict liability” against dog owners for injuries their pet causes to another person by biting them, regardless of whether the owner in question did or did not already know that their dog had violent tendencies. This means that rather than needing to prove a dog owner allowed their dog to cause harm specifically by recklessly or carelessly failing to control that dog, a dog bite victim generally just needs to prove they were, in fact, bitten and injured by someone else’s pet to have standing to file suit against them.

That said, Arizona Revised Statutes §11-1025 — the section of state law that establishes the “strict liability” rule for dog bite injuries— carves out exceptions for police and military dogs who were acting on lawful orders from a police officer or military servicemember performing their appointed duties. Furthermore, as a Gilbert dog attack attorney can further explain, dog owners may also not be considered fully liable for a bite victim’s injuries if that injured person contributed to causing the incident in the first place by provoking the dog and/or trespassing on the dog owner’s property.

Recovering Fairly Within Filing Time Limits

A dog owner who is found liable for injuries their dog causes another person by biting them can be made to pay financially for all economic and non-economic damages that the incident will directly cause for the bitten person. This can include but is not strictly limited to:

  • All past and future expenses for bite-related medical care
  • Lost working capacity and/or work earnings
  • Personal property damage and/or loss
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish and trauma
  • Lost quality of life and other effects of permanent disability/disfigurement

As with almost any other type of personal injury case, though, an injured dog bite victim in Gilbert generally must file suit either on their own or with help from a qualified lawyer no later than two years after initially sustaining harm by A.R.S. §12-542.

Consider Working With a Gilbert Dog Bite Attorney Today

Being bitten by someone else’s dog is always a frightening experience, and it can potentially be a life-altering one as well if it leaves you with a serious physical injury. Fortunately, Arizona state law is fairly generous in terms of the rights it provides people who have been hurt in this way to file suit against the owners of the dogs that harmed them.

A Gilbert dog bite lawyer can explain your legal options and possible routes toward civil recovery in detail during a free, no-obligation consultation. Call Phillips Law Group today to speak with a member of our legal team and learn more about the ways we can help.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more!