Front-End Car Accidents in Flagstaff

All car accidents can cause injuries and substantial inconvenience, but front-end car accidents are especially dangerous. They often happen at speed, causing significant damage to the vehicle and potentially serious or even fatal injuries to the vehicle’s occupants. Front-end car accidents in Flagstaff are just as possible and dangerous there as they are anywhere else.

The driver at fault for this type of accident is responsible for compensating people injured due to their negligence. It is important to work with an experienced auto accident attorney to ensure your rights are protected and to minimize any potential roadblocks to recovery.

When you need legal representation after front-end car accidents in Flagstaff, contact Phillips Law Group. Our legal team has provided top-notch local advocacy for over 30 years and is ready to help.

Proving Negligence Contributed to a Crash

Arizona uses a fault-based system to manage vehicle accident claims. The negligent driver is usually deemed at fault. Establishing negligence and proving fault is sometimes contentious. Anyone who sustains injuries in a crash in Flagstaff should have legal representation to ensure the allocation of fault is fair and accurate.

When the police issue a driver a citation for a safety violation or arrest them, this is evidence of negligence. Common safety law violations in head-on crashes include speeding, driving while under the influence, distracted driving, and driving the wrong way on a highway.

When the at-fault driver does not receive a ticket or get arrested, there are other ways to prove the driver is at fault. Physical evidence at the crash scene, photos, witness statements, video surveillance, and driver admissions can be persuasive evidence that a driver is responsible for the crash and owes compensation to the injured parties.

Identifying All Potentially Responsible Parties

Anyone registering a vehicle must have liability insurance. An at-fault driver is personally liable for any losses other motorists and passengers experience that their insurance does not cover. According to Arizona Revised Statutes § 28-4009, the state’s minimum coverage limits are $25,000 for personal injuries to one person and $50,000 per incident for injuries to multiple people.

When someone sustains a severe injury, the at-fault driver’s insurance coverage is likely to be inadequate, even when they have more than the minimum coverage. A savvy Flagstaff attorney looks for other potential sources of coverage to ensure an injured person receives appropriate compensation. For example, when alcohol is a factor in the accident, the establishment that served the driver might have liability. Similarly, a manufacturer might share responsibility when a defect in the driver’s or victim’s vehicle contributed to the incident.

Obtaining a Fair Settlement for a Head-On Collision

It is critical for someone who is injured in a front-end accident that was not their fault to work with an experienced attorney. Insurance companies often take advantage of seriously injured people by offering them quick cash settlements in return for a promise not to sue. People without experience settling accident claims might be tempted to accept an offer, but doing so is unwise.

An injured person is entitled to reimbursement for all their out-of-pocket expenses, including future losses, if they cannot return to work or need ongoing medical care. They are also entitled to money for the subjective impacts of their injury, like disability, pain, and emotional distress. When an at-fault driver’s conduct was intentional and reckless, the injured person might be entitled to punitive damages.

A skilled Flagstaff attorney can evaluate whether an injured person is better off settling a head-on collision case or taking it to trial. When a driver’s insurer will not offer a reasonable settlement or when a driver’s conduct merits punitive damages, going to trial might offer better results. Our team is not afraid to stand up against large insurance companies on our clients’ behalf.

Contact a Flagstaff Attorney After a Front-End Crash

Head-on collisions can cause severe, permanent injuries. Even when the injuries are less serious, these accidents can require a person to seek medical treatment, miss time at work, and experience pain, psychological trauma, and inconvenience.

Work with one of the skilled attorneys at Phillips Law Group to hold the responsible driver accountable for these losses after a front-end car accident in Flagstaff. Contact our experienced team today to learn more during a free, no-obligation consultation. We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to help!