Chandler Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

A spinal cord injury is a life-changing, catastrophic injury. Although modern treatments are helping reduce the severity of paralysis with these injuries, most people who experience spinal cord injuries will need to use a wheelchair at least some of the time.

Spinal cord injuries usually result from accidents, and accidents are always preventable. You could hold any person, company, organization, or government agency whose negligence contributed to your injury liable for your losses.

Claims for compensation after a spinal cord injury can be complex, and working with a skilled catastrophic injury attorney is critical. Contact a Chandler spinal cord injury lawyer at Phillips Law Group for help. Our team has been providing top-notch legal representation in the community for more than 30 years.

Preventable Accidents Cause Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord is a sheath of nerves that travel from the base of the skull to the tailbone. The nerves carry electrical impulses from the brain to the limbs and internal organs, controlling movement, sensation, and even functions like breathing and digestion. A force or blow that severs or damages the spinal cord disrupts communication between the brain and the rest of the body and can lead to paralysis and loss of sensation in the area below the injury.

According to patient information published by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, accidents involving motor vehicles account for most spinal cord injuries in people under 65. Falls are the most common cause in older adults. Other causes are sports injuries and violence, especially gunshot wounds. About half the people who sustain spinal cord injuries are between 16 and 30.

Negligence could be at the root of any of these causes. Motor vehicle accidents almost always involve careless or reckless driving or a manufacturer’s defect that leads to the crash.

Additionally, when someone sustains a spinal cord injury while participating in an organized sport, a Chandler attorney can investigate whether safety equipment was provided or was defective and whether the activities were supervised appropriately. A property owner or facility operator could also be liable if conditions on the property were unsafe or security was inadequate.

Allocating Responsibility for an Accident

In some cases of spinal cord injuries, the injured person bears some responsibility for the accident. Arizona Revised Statute §12-2505 allows an injured person to seek compensation for the portion of their losses attributable to the others’ conduct, even when the injured person is primarily to blame.

For example, if someone experiences a spinal cord injury after diving into shallow water at a hotel pool, the hotel would likely be liable. However, the diver would also be liable if there was a sign prohibiting diving, the depth of the water was clearly marked, or the diver was drunk. If a jury determines the diver was 60 percent responsible for their injury, the hotel would be liable for 40 percent of the diver’s damages.

In severe injury cases, the parties usually work to negotiate a settlement before a trial. When an injured person’s conduct contributes to their injury, the amount of responsibility they bear would be the subject of negotiations. A Chandler attorney can ensure an injured person’s share of the responsibility is fair, considering all the circumstances, and is not afraid to take matters to trial if negotiations do not yield satisfactory results.

Acting Quickly Is Essential

Recovering from and adjusting to a spinal cord injury is a long process. The injured person might need surgeries and other interventions before they can begin rehabilitation. The psychological adjustment for the person and their family can be just as challenging.

Legal matters may not be a priority, but it is critical to carve out time to think about the future. The compensation an injured person receives could be important in ensuring they get the care and tools they need to live the fullest life possible post-injury.

The law in Arizona allows an injured person two years from the accident date to bring a lawsuit seeking compensation. When the injured person is a minor, they have until two years after their 18th birthday. However, waiting only benefits the responsible party. It is best to contact a Chandler attorney as quickly as possible after an accident that causes a spinal cord injury.

Pursue Compensation for a Spinal Cord Injury With a Chandler Attorney

The period after a spinal cord injury can be incredibly stressful for an injured person and their family. You can relieve some of the pressure by engaging an attorney with Phillips Law Group immediately after the accident.

A Chandler spinal cord injury lawyer can help you prepare for the future. Our team can identify responsible parties and negotiate with their insurance companies to ensure you receive appropriate compensation.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. Our team is ready to help!