Chandler Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Outside of a fatal injury, few outcomes from an accident are as devastating as paralysis. The impact of such injuries is not only profound but also presents significant challenges when seeking fair financial recovery through civil litigation. The complex nature of paralysis and the hurdles posed by state law and legal precedents make it crucial to have experienced legal representation.

If you have suffered from paralysis due to another person’s negligence, contacting a Chandler paralysis injury lawyer from Phillips Law Group should be your top priority. Our seasoned catastrophic injury attorneys are equipped to handle the intricacies of paralysis claims, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Understanding How Negligence Leads to Paralysis

Paralysis can result from various types of accidents, with automobile crashes and falls being the most common. Other causes include impacts from falling objects, dangerous product defects, and even incidental collisions during sports. The root cause of paralysis is damage to the central nervous system, which, unlike many other body parts, cannot heal itself from external trauma.

Different types of paralysis can result from different injuries, including:

  • Paraplegia: Paralysis of the lower limbs and groin, typically caused by damage to the lower spinal cord
  • Quadriplegia: Paralysis affecting the torso and all four limbs, usually due to damage to the upper spinal cord or severe brain injury
  • Hemiplegia: Paralysis affecting one side of the body, either left or right, often resulting from certain types of brain damage
  • Monoplegia: Paralysis of a single limb, caused by localized nerve damage in areas such as the shoulder or hip

An experienced Chandler paralysis injury attorney can help you navigate the complexities of claiming compensation for these and other forms of paralysis.

Building a Strong Civil Claim Over a Paralysis Injury

Despite the severe nature of paralysis, the principles of personal injury litigation apply. To secure compensation, you must demonstrate that the injury was caused by someone else’s specific reckless or careless actions that breached their duty of care — for instance, causing a car accident through a traffic violation.

It is also important to show that you were not at fault for causing or exacerbating the injury through your own negligence. Under Arizona Revised Statutes §12-2505, a court can reduce your compensation proportionally if you are found to share some fault. An adept Chandler paralysis accident attorney can help you contest such claims effectively and protect your right to full compensation.

Discuss Your Legal Options With a Chandler Paralysis Injury Attorney

The financial compensation you seek cannot undo the severe impact of paralysis, but it can significantly affect your quality of life and provide some measure of justice. Engaging with a compassionate Chandler paralysis injury lawyer can greatly enhance your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

Phillips Law Group is here to support you with over 30 years of experience in serving the Phoenix metro area. Our team is committed to providing the guidance and advocacy you need to navigate your paralysis injury claim successfully. Please get in touch with a member of our team today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation and discuss your legal options.