Last year, Phillips Law Group and the Phillips Law Group Foundation started a campaign to sponsor underprivileged children from Sonora, Mexico to help make their holiday dreams a reality. This year, the Foundation and Phillips Law Group continue the holiday outreach campaign in Mexico, with a new focus on building a new play area with a beautiful playset with slides, swings, and more for the kids at a location in Sonora where these kids already gather for play, to feel secure, and where they can just be kids.
Holiday Outreach Campaign Continues in 2024

Last year, Phillips Law Group and the Phillips Law Foundation raised thousands of dollars to give toys, gifts, and a special Christmas Eve dinner to around 200 children and their families at Don Camel in Mexico. In 2023, the funds that were raised were primarily used to make sure that each child served by the sanctuary there received a special gift, with the remaining funds used for the memorable meal.
This year, our goal is to raise $25,000 to transform the Sonora space into a place where the children there can safely gather to play and connect with one another. Our vision is to fund a new kitchen for fresh daily meals as well as the aforementioned play area to provide endless fun for this close-knit community in Mexico. Plus, any remaining funds will be used to offer another holiday meal and toys for more than 250 children for Christmas this year.
How You Can Help

We hope to help the space in Don Camel be transformed into even more of a safe, happy place for these kids than it already is, and to give the kids there another memorable holiday experience. But we need your help!
We want to develop sustainable improvements at the location to enhance the daily lives of the children served there. To help create a happier and healthier future for the kids, Phillips Law Group and the Foundation want to help boost the essential facilities in place and make them even better than ever.
Any contribution to this cause helps. Please check out the campaign at this link to learn more. With your support, we can make this dream a reality.
If you’d like to learn more about this cause or are interested in being involved in our outreach efforts, please contact us to get in touch with the community service team at Phillips Law Group or to connect with our Foundation today.