Phillips Law Group Carries On with Active Community Service Schedule 

three volunteers at maggie's place for community service blog

With a deep commitment to community outreach, Phillips Law Group as a firm is determined to have regular volunteer events that give back to groups like the homeless population and foster children in the Phoenix, Arizona area. In April, our active community service schedule has only continued, with opportunities to help organizations like Maggie’s Place and The Foster Alliance and the communities they serve. 

Maggie’s Place

On April 12, a few volunteers from Phillips Law once again lent helping hands to Maggie’s Place. Maggie’s Place as an organization is dedicated to welcoming “pregnant and parenting women and their children into a safe and loving community, providing life-changing programs and ongoing services to help them to become self-sufficient.” 

The organization assists not only expectant mothers but also provides for the kids of the resident moms, and at this particular volunteer opportunity, volunteers from our firm had a great time putting together activity kits for the children served by Maggie’s Place. 

The Foster Alliance

several volunteers pose outside of the foster alliance as part of phillips law group's active community service schedule in april

The thriving community service schedule Phillips Law Group commits to also included a trip to The Foster Alliance in early April. On April 4, a few volunteers worked on decorating cards and birthday bags for foster kids the nonprofit works with. Plus, a handful of helpers went to the warehouse to unpack shoes and backpacks the children get to use. 

For years, The Foster Alliance has served tens of thousands of children, and Phillips Law is proud to partner with them regularly on volunteer opportunities. 

Other Volunteer Opportunities

There are a few other chances to help out at outreach events with Phillips Law Group in April if you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity to participate in! With events like Feeding Arizona coming up in April that could always use more volunteers, we welcome your interest in getting involved if you’d like to reach out to our community outreach team for more information. 

Please feel free to contact Phillips Law Group to learn more, or, if you’re looking for a way to assist in May or beyond, there will be plenty of chances to give back then, too. You never know what difference you could make!