Yes, you have the legal right to refuse providing a recorded statement to an insurance company. There are no state or federal laws requiring you to do so. Declining to give a recorded statement will not automatically harm your legal claim. However, if you choose to withhold your statement, it is important to consult with Phillips Law Group to protect your rights and ensure your story is accurately represented. Reach out for more information on how to effectively share your account of an accident.
What Are Recorded Statements Used For?
An adjuster has several reasons for asking you to submit a recorded statement. It is their job to collect information about the accident and the sequence of events to determine which driver was at fault. Once they have your testimony on tape, it is locked down. The insurer may use your version of events against you and potentially limit the company’s payout. That is why most attorneys recommend that you avoid admitting fault or saying anything to the insurer that you are uncertain about.
What Happens If I Refuse to Provide a Statement?
Refusing to provide a recorded statement to an insurance company is not illegal. However, the representative may believe you are being uncooperative. A refusal could impact your case, as the adjuster may attempt to deny your claim. Many auto policies include a cooperation clause obliging you to provide information anyway. If you fail to assist with the insurer’s investigation, it may ultimately delay your settlement, and you need that compensation to cover your medical expenses and property damage.
What Should I Do?
While you may not want to answer certain questions the adjuster asks, always willingly provide the basics, like your contact information. Remember to keep detailed records of all communications you have with any of the insurance company’s representatives, including dates, times, and what you discussed.
If you feel unsure about what to disclose or believe the adjuster treats you unfairly, consult a personal injury lawyer at Phillips Law Group. We understand your rights and know your legal obligations. Only divulge what you have to at the scene, then let your attorney do the talking.
Contact Phillips Law Group for Help Interacting With Insurance Companies After Accidents
Phillips Law Group is locally owned, and our experienced attorneys have served our community for more than 30 years. We are one of the few personal injury firms that will not settle for the insurance company’s first offer. Our dedicated team will fight in court for the best outcome for our clients. With our free, no-obligation consultation, there is no reason to hesitate. Please reach out today. A member of our team is standing by to tell you more.