Rear-end Car Accidents in Mesa

When another vehicle hits yours from behind, it can cause extensive harm even at low speeds. Rear-end car accidents in Mesa often result in debilitating injuries that might require medical treatment and keep you from working. The driver at fault for the collision is responsible for paying compensation for these losses.

Consult a trusted car accident attorney at the Phillips Law Group when you are in a rear-end collision. Our team could help you establish liability and obtain appropriate compensation.

Determining Fault in a Rear-End Accident

Arizona uses a fault-based system to determine liability in car accidents. The insurance company for the driver who caused the collision is responsible for paying the losses of others who sustained injuries or property damage in the incident.

Many rear-end collisions in Mesa are the fault of the driver in the rear vehicle. They may have been driving too fast to stop quickly, following too closely, or driving distracted. However, sometimes the driver in the front car might share responsibility for the wreck. For example, if the forward driver stopped suddenly without cause, or if the incident happened where traffic lanes merge, fault might not be clear.

Arizona Revised Statutes § 12-2505 prevents someone who bears partial responsibility for an accident from claiming all their losses. This means other parties to the claim would only be responsible for the portion of the injured motorist’s losses attributable to their actions. Our experienced attorneys could review the police report, evaluate witness statements, and examine the physical evidence to find proof establishing liability and refuting allegations of shared fault.

Whiplash From Rear-Impact Collisions

Obtaining compensation for Mesa rear-end crashes can be difficult due to the nature of the injuries motorists commonly sustain in these types of collisions. The force of a rear-end collision often causes the head and neck to snap forward and backward suddenly, which can lead to soft tissue damage. This movement can cause hyperextension injuries, commonly called whiplash, that do not show up on X-rays but can be debilitating.

Whiplash restricts movement in the neck, shoulders, and arms. It can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the upper extremities. Symptoms can linger for months and prevent an injured person from working or engaging in their normal activities. Our attorneys could help injured motorists document the impact of their injuries to ensure appropriate compensation.

Immediate Medical Care Is Essential

People in rear-end collisions sometimes do not observe symptoms right away so they may not seek medical treatment. This is a mistake because many injuries do not present symptoms until several days have passed. Getting a prompt medical examination can rule out significant harm, protect an accident victim’s health, and limit the severity of symptoms when they appear.

Additionally, when someone delays getting medical treatment, it provides an excuse for an insurance company to question whether the injured person’s symptoms resulted from the incident. In contrast, when someone seeks care promptly, the medical record is evidence tying the injuries to the wreck.

A Mesa attorney must prove the losses, or damages, of anyone seeking compensation after a rear-end wreck. A medical record describing the symptoms the person experienced immediately after the accident and journals monitoring their response to treatment are invaluable evidence in proving damages.

Seek Damages After a Rear-End Collision With a Mesa Attorney

When you get hurt in a rear-end car accident in Mesa, turn to an attorney who has been representing members of the community for decades. A member of the team at Phillips Law Group has the skills and experience to obtain the maximum compensation available in your circumstances.

Delay makes it more difficult to build a robust case. Call today to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable attorney.