Civil rights laws apply to everyone in the nation and are designed to help prevent discrimination based on age, sex, race, color, religion, marital status and the nation of your origin.
If you or someone that you care for has become a victim of discrimination, or had excessive force used against them by law enforcement authorities, that victim may be eligible to file a damages claim.
Since 1993, Phillips Law Group has been an advocate of victims’ rights, having represented more than 155,000 consumer clients and a history of success, including a $350,000 recovery for the family of a victim that was fatally shot by the City of Phoenix Police.
To learn more about the legal options that may be available for your claim, contact our team of legal professionals today.
Free Consultation. Ph: 602-222-222 .
Can A Civil Rights Lawyer Help Me?
If you believe that your civil liberties have been violated, you may like to consider contacting a lawyer to discuss your claim. A licensed attorney can help to gather necessary evidence to build a robust argument that helps to support your claim.
While civil rights cases can be complex and difficult to prove, at Phillips Law Group, we can help to review the details of your incident to determine if you have been mistreated, abuse &/or discriminated against.
Common Violations of Civil Rights
Most recently, incidents involving excessive force used by law enforcement authorities have proven to be examples of civil rights violations however, there can be many different types of violations, including:
- Police brutality (incl. shootings)
- Housing discrimination
- Unlawful arrest
- Racial profiling
- Employment discrimination
- Termination due to age
- Verbal &/or written threats
- Physical assault
If you believe you have become a victim of a civil rights violation, contact the team at Phillips Law Group today.
Need some help? Call 602-222-222 .
Common Types of Civil Rights Cases
In the event that a persons’ civil rights may have been violated, that individual may be eligible to file a damages lawsuit against the perpetrator. Some common civil rights lawsuits include:
- Police Misconduct:Police officers often have immunity from lawsuits resulting from their performance in the jobs that they perform however, should an individual be falsely arrested, treated with excessive force, suffer from malicious prosecution or similar issues, they may be eligible to file a claim.
- Domestic Abuse: These types of lawsuits are often not filed until the victim is in a safe environment. Commonly, other solutions – including restraining orders – are explored prior to filing a domestic abuse civil rights case.
- Employment Discrimination:Commonly, this type of discrimination is based on the gender, race, religion, age and/or sexual orientation of a job applicant.
- Housing Discrimination:Most housing discrimination issues stem from property owners that do not want certain tenants in the property they are trying to lease. This can be a result of race, age, marital status and age.
- Government Discrimination: Those working for the government can also be affected by discrimination, much is the same way as employees of private-businesses.
- Contract Disputes:Are the result of two or more parties that have a written agreement, and one of those parties no longer agrees with the terms of that agreement.
- Property Disputes:These disputes arise over real property – also known as real estate – which often arise over property line issues. An example of this may be when a resident no longer agrees where the property line of their land ends and that of their neighbor’s begins. Property disputes can also involve municipal or local governments, as often city councils will determine the boundary lines of such properties.
As civil rights cases can become complex, we recommend discussing your issue with a licensed attorney from Phillips Law Group.
Steps to Take After A Civil Rights Violation
Following a situation that has escalated into becoming a potential civil rights violation, victims may have a range of options available, including:
- Informal negotiations: These involve a conversation between all parties involved. In many instances, civil rights issues are resolved without lengthy legal battles, where all involved sit down to discuss the matter.
- Mediation:In the event that informal negotiations do not resolve the issue, an independent, trained mediator that works with both parties may be used in an effort to resolve the dispute. It is important to note that a mediator does not have authority to impose a resolution on those involved in the mediation.
- Arbitration:These cases are often heard much faster compared to a court case and are generally less expensive than formal litigation. There may be one or more arbitrators – who act as a neutral, third party – which render an “arbitration award”, which is legally binding and enforceable in court.
- Filing a lawsuit:In the event that no resolution is achieved, the dispute may be filed with a state court. Should the claim exceed the limitations at the state level, the lawsuit will need to be filed in another court.
Having a lawyer on your side during any civil rights negotiation can help to ensure that your best interests are being protected.
Are Civil Rights Lost If the Victim Is In Prison?
While some inmates may lose their right to privacy when incarcerated – along with the right from being protected from warrantless searches – prison inmates do not lose their civil rights, which are protected by the U.S. Constitution.
Contact A Mesa, AZ Civil Rights and Liberties Lawyer Today
If you or someone that you care for has had their civil rights abused, you may be eligible to file a damages claim. At Phillips Law Group, we have been providing a legal voice for those in need for more than 25 years. We have a proven track record of success and can help to explore the legal options that may be available to you.
For help with your claim, contact us today by completing our “Free Case Evaluation” form or by calling us today at 602-222-222 .
Phillips Law Group – Ph: 602-222-222 .