Glendale Paralysis Injury Lawyer

No one should ever have to suffer any kind of lifelong injury solely because of another person’s misconduct, especially not an injury that leaves them with a permanent loss of bodily function. As you may have unfortunately learned, though, accidents with consequences this severe happen every day across the state of Arizona, and taking proactive legal action against the person responsible for such an event can be uniquely complicated on many levels.

You deserve to be compensated as fairly as possible for the effects of a paralyzing injury you sustained due to someone else’s actions or inactions, and guidance from a knowledgeable catastrophic injury attorney can make a big difference when it comes to pursuing that compensation effectively. With a Glendale paralysis injury lawyer by your side, you will be able to demand comprehensive compensation more easily while also avoiding common pitfalls in the legal process that might otherwise sidetrack your claim. Reach out to Phillips Law Group to begin discussing your situation with a trusted member of our team.

Recovering for Short-Term and Long-Term Losses

While not all injuries that result in a loss of sensory or motor function will continue to cause those same effects indefinitely, most paralyzing injuries are unfortunately permanent and irreversible. There is no possible way for money alone to completely make up for the damage done.

However, financial restitution can still do a lot to alleviate specific economic and non-economic losses stemming from a paralyzing injury — for example, medical bills, lost work income, physical pain, and psychological distress.

Additionally, a comprehensive paralysis injury claim in Glendale can and typically should account for expected future losses in addition to past or short-term losses that have already occurred by the time the legal process begins. A qualified attorney from Phillips Law Group can help identify, estimate a fair value for, and proactively demand compensation for things like lost working capacity, disability-related costs for things like wheelchairs and home/vehicle modifications, and lost overall quality and enjoyment of life.

Getting Around Common Legal and Procedural Roadblocks

Legal counsel can also play a vital role in ensuring that allegations of “comparative fault” made by defendants trying to minimize their own liability for an injury do not get in the way of fair financial recovery. As per Arizona Revised Statutes §12-2505, a court can assign a percentage of fault to any injured person whose own negligence contributed to causing their injury and then reduce the total amount of compensation available to that person in proportion to their share of total fault.

Along similar lines, help from a paralysis injury lawyer in Glendale can be key to building and then formally filing the strongest possible claim within applicable filing deadlines. Even for people who have suffered lifelong trauma as a result of another person’s negligence, A.R.S. §12-542 still sets a deadline of two years after a personal injury occurs for the injured person to file suit, with very few exceptions that apply only under extremely specific circumstances.

Let a Glendale Paralysis Injury Attorney Help You Seek Justice

None of the potential complications mentioned above should lead you to think it is not worthwhile to pursue a civil claim over an injury that has left you paralyzed, or that it is not possible to get a favorable and beneficial result from this sort of claim. What should be impressed on you, however, is that cases of this nature can be exceptionally difficult to pursue alone and that a skilled legal professional’s support can be essential to achieving the best possible outcome.

A Glendale paralysis injury lawyer can discuss your options and offer preliminary guidance about your pathway toward potential recovery during a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation. Schedule yours by calling Phillips Law Group today to learn more.