Phoenix, AZ Back and Neck Injury lawyer

Research from the American Chiropractic Association estimates that about half of all working Americans will suffer from some kind of back pain symptoms this year in the United States. Back and neck injuries have plagued workers in the U.S. for years and years. In fact, back injuries are listed amongst the top ten reasons of missed work in America each year. Back and neck injuries tend to occur from either Motorcycle Crashes

  • Car Accidents
  • Lifting of heavy objects
  • A sudden blow to the back or head

Many of the above causes of injury may be completely accidental; nevertheless, accident victims must seek compensation for the damages that the reckless action of another inflicts. Phillips Law Group believes that these negligent individuals must be held liable for the medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other additional costs that come as a result of the injury.

To speak with our car accident attorneys, complete a Free Case Review on this page.

Types of Back and Neck Injuries

The most commonly seen cause of neck and shoulder pain involves injury to the soft tissues. Due to the structure of the neck and back, the human body has bones, tissues, and muscles that run from the neck all the way down to the tailbone. While this structure is what helps the human body to function properly, it also makes it susceptible for injury. Back and neck injuries are typically broken into two classifications: acute injuries and overuse injuries.

Acute Injuries

Acute injuries to the neck and back often involve a sudden action which strains, pulls, tears, rips, or damages a portion of the bone, muscle, or tissue in the impaired area. Acute injuries are often marked by an immediate bruising and swelling; however, the severity will alter based upon the particular type of injury and the strength of the impact which caused the harm.

Sprains and strains are amongst the most common types of acute and/or sudden neck and back damage. A strain is typically caused by some kind of pulling or twisting of the neck or back, forcing the muscle or tendon stress and pressure. In addition to strains, sprains are another very common acute injury. Generally speaking, sprains involve the tearing or stretching of a ligament.

Torn or ruptured discs are another type of acute injury; however these tend to be much more serious and severe than a simple strain or sprain. When a disc, which sits in between the spine and vertebrae, seek medical attention. In general, the physician will take a look at how you stand, sit, and walk to determine a baseline for the severity of the damage. Following a brief assessment of daily activities and reflexes, they may order a diagnostic test to look further into the injury. The most common type of tests include: MRIs, X-rays, and CT scans. Once the results are available, the doctor will come up with a plan for recovery. The following are the most common treatments for back and neck injuries:

  • Injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Medications (prescriptions or over-the-counter)
  • Surgery
  • Immobilization

When a doctor give the accident victim a treatment plan, it is essential that this is followed. Following this treatment plan will not only help the injury to heal faster, but it will likely help to prevent any future damage from occurring.

Our Lawyers May Be Able To Help You

Back and neck injuries are rarely life threatening, yet they tend to impact a large portion of the injured partys ability to perform daily activities. Phillips Law Group understands the stress and pain that back and neck injuries cause and we believe that the person who caused such damage must be held responsible. With this in mind, we fight for the maximum compensation possible to cover any medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other costs associated with the injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered from an accident, do not hesitate to contact our car accident lawyers at your earliest convenience. We will sit down with you, understand your case, and then work our hardest to fight for what you deserve.

Complete a Free Case Review now.