Extra Car Insurance You May Need Following a Crash

blue background with insurance forms under key fobMost car crash claims are resolved through an insurance settlement, often with the insurance company of the at-fault driver. However, there are some cases when the at-fault driver’s coverage runs out, and the only option left is to try to obtain compensation from the victim’s car insurance policy.

You never know when this might happen after a crash. If you suffer a severe, life-altering injury, your medical bills may quickly surpass the limits of the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. That is why it is important to get as much coverage as you can reasonably afford in case the unthinkable happens.

Below, our experienced attorneys discuss optional car insurance coverage Arizona drivers should consider purchasing. This could help keep you off the hook for the cost of some of your damages, keeping you and your family out of a financial crisis.

If you have questions about what to do after a car crash in Arizona, give us a call today. The initial consultation is free.

Additional Coverage You May Want to Consider

Arizona requires all drivers to purchase liability insurance to provide compensation to victims of car crashes caused by the policyholder. That means this coverage is not for your damages, it is for damages suffered by other drivers. Liability insurance helps to protect you from the possibility of a crash victim coming after your assets.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

While uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is technically not required, insurance companies are required to offer it. You must reject this coverage if you do not want it, and most drivers do not choose to do that.

You can still think of this coverage as optional, but it is important coverage to have. For example, what if you get into an accident with a uninsured driver – or one who flees the scene of the crash, never to be found by the police?

In these situations, uninsured motorist coverage may pay for your damages, up to the limits of your policy.

Underinsured motorist coverage is for situations when your damages exceed the value of the at-fault driver’s insurance policy.

The minimum required coverage is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident, but you can buy more coverage if you want. If you have ever had surgery or needed extensive medical treatment, you probably have an idea of how quickly medical bills can add up. If you run out of coverage, you may not have anywhere else to seek compensation from. This is particularly true if the at-fault driver has few assets for you to pursue compensation from or he or she cannot be located.

Collision Coverage

Uninsured motorist coverage does not pay for damage to your vehicle, but collision coverage does. This includes damage caused by a collision with another car or object or damage caused by overturning. Collision coverage is no-fault, which means you can use it even if you are at fault for the crash.

It is important to note collision coverage has a deductible. You must choose the amount of the deductible when purchasing this coverage. A deductible is a set fee you must pay before the insurance policy will start providing compensation.

Medical Payments Coverage

In a fault state like Arizona, crash victims file claims against the at-fault driver’s policy. That means you must wait for a settlement to be reached to receive compensation for medical expenses and other damages.

However, doctors and other medical facilities are going to want their money after providing medical treatment. If you cannot pay them or get on a payment plan, what do you do?

Health insurance, if you have it, may help bridge the gap while you await a settlement of your car accident claim. However, what if you are struggling to pay deductibles and copays? In these situations, you may be able to use medical payments coverage from your own car insurance.

Rental Car Coverage

Even if your car is not totaled after the crash, you may not be able to drive it for several days or a few weeks while it is being repaired. If you can still work, you need transportation to get there, and it may be difficult to have family or friends drive you everywhere you need to go. That is why many crash victims end up renting a car.

However, can you afford to rent a car? If not, you could greatly benefit from rental car coverage in your car insurance policy.

Rental reimbursement coverage gives you a specific amount of money to rent a vehicle while your car gets repaired or replaced.

Call Phillips Law Group Today for Legal Assistance

If you need legal help after a car crash, give Phillips Law Group a call to learn how our experienced Phoenix vehicle accident attorneys may be able to assist you. The initial consultation is free of charge and there are no obligations. Our attorneys also work on contingency, which means no upfront fees. We do not get paid unless you get paid.

Our firm has secured hundreds of millions in compensation. We have represented countless motor vehicle crash victims and have extensive knowledge of the legal process.

Phillips Law Group. Licensed. Local. Lawyers. Call: 602-222-2222