Slip and Fall Accidents During Holiday Shopping

sign warning of wet floorPlanning to start your holiday shopping soon?

You need to know there may be a greater risk of a slip and fall accident during this time of the year. Stores are much busier, and employees and property owners may fail to quickly clean up spills and other hazardous conditions that can cause accidents. Also, with so many people in stores, it can be tough to spot obstacles that could cause a fall.

If you slip and fall during the holiday season, you may have a claim against the property owner. This is something you can discuss with one of Phillips Law Group’s licensed Phoenix slip and fall lawyers in a free consultation.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Each slip and fall accident is different, but there are some causes that are quite common, including:

  • Rain, which can make parking lots, sidewalks, entryways and store floors wet and slippery
  • Cluttered store aisles, for example, maybe a worker has left merchandise in an aisle because he or she is stocking shelves
  • Bunched-up carpeting, which creates a trip hazard
  • Staircases without railings or loose railings
  • Floors that were recently mopped
  • Potholes in parking lots
  • Cracks in the sidewalk or pavement
  • Loose floor tiles
  • Falling ceiling tiles
  • Bad lighting

There can be many other causes of slip and fall accidents. Even though snow and ice are not a concern in Arizona, slip and fall accidents do still happen.

If you slip and fall on anyone else’s property, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as you can. People often think slip and fall injuries are not that serious, but people can break bones, suffer head injuries and develop other severe health issues from these accidents. Waiting to seek treatment could allow an injury to become much worse.

Seeking treatment soon after an accident will help to connect your injury to the accident if you pursue an injury claim against the property owner.

How Could a Property Owner be Held Liable?

It is common for people to make excuses after a slip and fall. People might say they have “two left feet” or they are just clumsy. People feel the need to be polite and not blame someone else for the accident.

However, you may have been able to avoid an injury if the property owner had used reasonable care to keep the property safe.

While these cases are complex, it is important to collect information right after the accident happens. For example, take pictures of your injuries and the hazard that led to your fall. Talk to witnesses and ask the property owner to file an accident report.

This helps to get the process of building a case started. Once you receive medical treatment, you can discuss the information you have collected and the accident with a licensed attorney. This way you can learn whether you may have a case.

Contact Our Firm for a Free Consultation

Our slip and fall attorneys represent slip and fall victims on contingency. This means no upfront fees and we are not paid unless we recover compensation on behalf of our clients.

We have extensive knowledge of the law surrounding slip and fall claims and how to build a case against a negligent property owner. We have a proven track record of recovering fair compensation for Arizona injury victims. We obtained $2.25 million in a slip and fall case involving a victim with a fractured femur.

Schedule your free, no-obligation legal consultation by calling 602-222-2222 .