What is the Phillips Law Group Foundation’s 2024 Holiday Fundraiser Campaign?

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Phillips Law Group has championed giving back to the community for many years. So it should come as no surprise that for the holidays this year, we decided to give back in a big way. Thanks to the Phillips Law Group Foundation’s 2024 holiday fundraiser campaign, we will be able to bring joy and support to underprivileged children in Mexico during the festive season. 

Bringing Joy to Kids in Mexico

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This year, the Phillips Law Group Foundation’s holiday campaign aims to transform a gathering space into a welcoming haven for over 300 children, providing a safe and nurturing environment at Unidos por Miguel Alemán, a community center and soup kitchen located in Hermosillo, Sonora.

Last Christmas, the Phillips Law Group team was able to bring toys to more than 200 kids at the location in Mexico, and it inspired us to do even more for them this year. This year, our goal is to raise $25,000 to transform the space into a place where they can play and feel secure in a safe haven.

Our vision for the Phillips Law Group Foundation’s 2024 holiday fundraiser campaign includes financing a new kitchen for fresh daily meals, an updated play area, and a lovely playset with slides, swings, and more for the Unidos por Miguel Alemán community. 

We are also looking to organize a memorable Christmas Eve dinner for children and families at the facility, ensuring a holiday filled with warmth and joy.

Giving Back on Giving Tuesday

photo of little girl for 2024 Holiday Fundraiser Campaign blog post

This Giving Tuesday, you can help us make our holiday dream a reality. Every $100 donation to the Phillips Law Group Foundation directly supports a child in need, helping to fund the new kitchen, playground, and more at the Sonora, Mexico location. 

But truly, no contribution is too small, and each one brings us one step closer to making this project happen.

Please visit our donation page today to learn more or to give to our holiday fundraiser campaign. If you are unable to support this cause financially, spreading the word about our mission with loved ones is the next best thing! Please feel free to share the donation link or share our social media posts with those you feel may be touched by this goal and moved to donate. 

And please feel free to contact us to learn more about our community service work! Our outreach events happen year-round, and we are always looking for more support and volunteers

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